By Unknown - January 27, 2012


Today I went to my uncle house at Choa Chu Kang ave then later during evening time 
I left home and Take train all the way to Yishun to meet Desmond as he will be driving me 
to town area as we be heading off to ANG BAO RIVER ! ;) 
My first time going there so I am kind of excited and looking forward ! 
Later on , I wait for about 1 hour 15 mins and finally Desmond came and Carmen came 
to join us too as we have not go off yet . I will blame him for late because I appreciate him 
for coming and fetch me ;) 

While in the car searching for Car park I went to take picture 
of the Singapore Flyer ! Have you seen something special inside the photo ? 

Finally parked and now we off to the Ang Bao river ;) 
And here is the board of the lay out of the place and I heard from Desmond and Lucas that 
they have a lot of awesome & scary games and one ride is about $15 . And I am looking 
forward to see what is the ride. 

We are off to the place ! 

Carmen and I ! 
Taking photo while walking to the place ! 

Desmond and his sister 

Here is the kids area ! ;) 
There are a lot of kids games <3 I bet the kids will love it very much ;) 

Group Photo at the entrance before heading off to explore ! 

Group photo again and Lucas say that he look fat inside the photo ! 

Another photo of me and Carmen ! 

Wondering what Desmond is doing ?
He is actually checking his TOTO !
AND the TOTO result is live de. 

Another shot again <3 

Here are some of the nice decoration ! 

Carmen & Lucas 
They are chicken ! 

pig ~ 

Desmond sister 

Me ! 
With my lovely sheep ! ;) 

I look so fat in this picture la . why never take nice nice ? 

Me & Desmond ! 

Coin LUCKY LUCKY ! ;) 
All you need to do is to take coin , and throw at the metal thingy ! 
And i just need to throw one time to hit it ah ! 
HUAT AH ~ ~ 

Another photo ! ~ 

Wondering what this booth is actually doing ? 
Why is there so many people gathering around there ? 
When we going over there , we realise that its an Malt sweet and the uncle in white is 
doing different design ;) 

Desmond went to buy and he got an design of bird and each cost around $5 ! 
Its expensive and after a few mouth , the sweet will be finish ! 

Photo of me with the sweet before it landed into my stomach ;) 

Lucas & Carmen ! 


Necklance : $7 
Bangle : $2 
Skirt : less then $20 
Bag : $15 
Heels : $20 
Bubble top : $10 

Most of the items I bought online , If i buy in Singapore then I bet it will be 
damn expensive ! 

love my ATTIRE <3 ! 

Desmond & His sister ! ;) 

OPS ! 
Desmond & Lucas called my name so loudly and I guess what happened ?
They call me to take out my Carmen to take this photo ! 

The rest of them playing expect me ! ;) 

Q-ing to get ticket ! ;) 

Sorry for Blur photo ! 
Because they are rushing off to play the ride and my Camera is not 
fast enough to take photo ;( 

After a long evening together , we went to have our dinner <3 ! 
And here are some of the food I ATE ;) 

OVERALL , I enjoyed myself and I am looking forward to next outing with 
My kayaking team-mates <3 

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