[Qoo10] Confirm delivery. My product. Our Feedback.

By Unknown - June 12, 2012

Hey guys , Its me again (EXCITED!) 
I am going to share with you guys my experience with Qoo10 and my feedback 
and how to confirm delivery & my arrived items ~! 

I hope you guys will enjoy reading it ! 

Visit their website today 

If you want to check on what are the items you did order and checking what is their status ?
you can always check

I always send message to seller when the items I want badly does not have 
much information on the site itself . And if you want to check your replied , 
you click onto the carts too ! 

Here are the question I actually ask the seller and also they did reply me : ) 
Faster is within a few hours and those which is much more slower its takes about 1 week .
so far so good , all my question did reply me . 

After answering all the question , you guys should have make the order and 2-3 weeks the items arrived !

You got to click onto the Confirm delivery ! 

Double confirm the delivery before Qoo10 staff know that You had really receive your items 
and they can actually agreed to transfer the money to the seller ! 
This is something I like about Qoo10 ! ( You will feel very safe shopping with Qoo10) 

After confirmation of the delivery, you are encourage to write an feedback or a Review ! 
You will entitled to some free coupon when you submit your reviews. 
Do it today and doing preview its good also as other buyer will see you review and if is good ,
they will actually buy from the seller too . 

Here is my preview for the items I have received and So far I am very satisfy with everything , 
to be sure I am coming back to buy again !  

Here is the picture of my products ! 

Feedback question ! 

1. Do you know that G market have change name to Q0010?
If yes , blog / twitter / facebook ? whose ?
2.what items you usually buy from Qoo10?
3. why you want to buy from Qoo10 instead of buying from shopping mall or other site?
4. overall how do you rate Qoo10 ? in ways like delivery , quality of the products , services etc 
5. Is there anything you want to feedback ?

Hope you enjoy reading my post ! 
Go shop at http://www.qoo10.com.sg/ today ! 
Follow Qoo10 on twitter today : @Qoo10_Singapore ! 

thanks <3 !

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