By Unknown - December 09, 2010

These few weeks , it has been a very BAD week for me . I get angry easily and
because of a small stuff i can show attitude to the person.
and i realise that my attitude has changed to worst - i just dont know why . and i pray yestersday .
i want to change to better NOT worst . and i pray that God will help me to change and be more loving to another people , even they back-stab me at the back or those
close friend who have hurt me . And i cry that night , a lot of things been through my mind.
DEATH came to my mind ? and doubt came .
- Will i go to heaven ?
i can say that - that moment is really scary and i force myself to sleep !
GOOD DREAM WAS : my parent & relative was saved on christmas day !
they came to church & i was very happy .
there is an HTB flat at hougang / seng kang area collapse infront of me . all the fear
just come upon me .
i want to share with someone ! but who will be there for me to lend me his/ her listening ears ? but i know GOD will be there to hear !
i just feel disappointed that , even though i have friends around me but i dont have a really TRUE friend to hear me out and encourage me when i am afraid .
i dont want to live in fear but LIVE BY FAITH ! i am starting to proclaim every now and then .

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