
By Unknown - July 10, 2007

Tired tired tired .
my eye was like going to close very soon . and in the bus i did nt get to sleep . i am standing mah .
then when ii reach school-bus-stop ii wish i could faster reach classroom and rest lor. Edward hair funny but good hair style maybe PPLE say iis ugly but its nice . dun care what people say . is their mouth let them be "))) But then in class ii neva sleep lor. Paying attenetion . i really verii scared of my N level lor. That why i keep studying and nw ii did nt do my quiet time . i must start doing it liao.
Around 8n plus got hEALth check !! i think jo-ann yam ling feng got Mentral unsound lor. hahahs. make fun of her , so funny . its darm boring lor. hahhas. Nurse say my eyesight ok with spect . smile. No backbone problem . GOOD . after everyone check finish liao we went back class take our thing then we go ART room # ## . I have no patient . but after recess come back do . i m okok liao . nt so impatient . then got three period i dun feeling like going to class for english lesson so boring lorrr. But no choice but to go lor. hahhahas . in eng class . teacher mark my work first cos i finish doing it . liao . hhahas. Then my bro called me say got ppel want to beat him . so i called the school and say lor. U noe what ?? SCHOOL dun care . what the .... Hate this kind of principal . CHESTNUT DRIVE SECONDARY SCHOOL principal also like tat . Dun care students . idoiits. Then at last . The guy wanted to beat my bro say he dun wan this problem liao so lame right ?? he coward larr hahhahs.
after schooo. i go home chnge liao then go peralyn house lor. so lame . thanks her for treating me eat KFC ! then we talk . play . hahahs until5 plus ii need to go liao . Cos edward jie jie they all going out eat then i m going toO ! cos tonight me and jie jie going kick boxing lor. Then the food darm nice sia located at bukit timah lor. After eating . we went back . watch canteen . then me and edward fights sia . Until my leg Blus blAck ^ stupiid right . hahhas. edward also veri ka lian . cos i hit him a lot of times . mmmm . in the lesson today ii super tiredd . kick boxing my stomach super pain . and ii feel like vomiting lor. then jie fu fetch me home . thanks jie fu ! mmm ii wanna to slp liao good nite $$ .

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