Morning !
super tiredd . i also dunnoe what happenedd loqq.
then ii force myself to wake up no choice cos must go school too .
then ii quickly do my thing liao then ii go to take bus to scchhhooll /.
in the bus Yoges . jennifer and marilyn are there too . then when we reach schhool bus -stop , they walk up the slope then i wait for edward and take school bus up . loqq. stuiipd bus so long .
finally the bus come and we board up the bus .
today our form teacher is malay and he saw our DRUG COMPETITION the desgin nice then he praise the malay and he treat us as what ?> he also neva say well done to the whole class not fair loqq. stupiid form tec=acher . dunnoe what we do make him so hate us . shit hiim .
then .. mmm recess i neva go but i ask stephh , jo-ann they all help me buy . thanks girls .
Then ii study in class loqq. exam coming liao ii cant relax loqq.
During Cpa lesson , stupiid lazy jO-ann . slp hahas. i hab taken a picture of her . hahhas. i neva anyhow say de . loqq. hahhas . then after school i go home alone ,. stupiid edward lim need to stay back iin schoool . and long long toryy cannt tell .
=> dun judge people when uu are nt perfect . dun always wann challenge me . dun be so lame .