MoRning ~
edward neva meet me loqq . stupid then ii with my frenn walk up the slope neh . he come with his mother to school loqq.
then recess i neva eat . i with sue-ann they all at class doing Our class Drug comepetition loqq. tmr last day ! Then we need to russhh . then our class mate JIAn xing sick then cannt draw loqq. smile ") rest well ! Then after school ii went home straight after schhool ! i go bath all this mahh cos gng Cinelisure there watch HARRY POTTER !! while me and angelina iin the Train got this two gangster disture sia . ii on the VIDEO loqq. then got the voice iis " HELLO" then they learnt toO . so lame right ?? then when they gng to board got one guy dare another guy to say bye bye to us . Then his frenn say so lame loqq. hahahs. at last neva larr . so lame thing. i think they are about 17 to 20 years old bahh . then when we reach Orchard we went to helen first . shop shop shop liao then we go cine loqq. we go eat first cos ii suoer hungry ! somemore still waiting for angelina cousin loqq. small boii ! . "0 Then we are late for 5 min for the show . The show iis nice . at first ii see i dun understand . then my frenn tell me which is bad and which iis good de. cos i neva watch it before loww. after thatt finish the show . we all went take mrt then ii need to rush to my KICK Boxing loqq. Today kick boxing super good sia . hahahs ") mm. i should stop here liao . bb