By Unknown - July 27, 2007
she TINGTING have change since someone broke her heart !
You force her into something she dun wan to be ? why must you like that ? you should know who are you ? i dun wan mention ? forget it . do you know that . i got think about dying . me and you so many year best frenn ! you just throw it like that ? i know even uu read until my blog. u also dun care . nvm . forget . if u care . i m glad . ( nvm i dunwan talk about it ) . i just wann uu know how i feel > not wanted uu to hate me . understand ? at Night . i write blog i will cry of thinking of our past that we spent time each other . no matter what we still together !
Morning ~~
tiredd ~
aiYoO. EVEyday i m tiredd de .
this week i have no mood . keep quarrel with edward . i dun noe why toO .
to edward :
i m sorry ! this week iis a darm sad week for me . my self i also dunnoe why ?
i really sorry ! hope you understand . IS really in my heart i have this veri big and heavy stone in my heart then cannt come out no matter what i do . i really love you de. only sometime ii really mad > i just dunnoe why . hope uu understand . thanks that u can stand me hahhas . if not other boys arhh . they run away like hell .
in school today simply not good for me !! i hate it.. just dunnoe why .
i only enjoy study . playing basketball .
I not going badmiton . I want study /.
Then after schooolll ... go home with edward .
and its raining loq. then edward walk veri slow. then ii cant stand so i walk darm fast cos ii dun wan whole body wet !! UNDERSTAND ! nn quarreel with edward again . SORRY ABOUT IT !
i jus dunnoe what happened to me ????
i hate myself now . what am i gng to do now .
Then when reach home . i bath all this then ii meet edward at Bukit baTok loq. then we two take mrt go BOON LAY ! gOiin To churchh loqq. Xue li teaching us MATHS ")) Zack and a lot of people there cos got PRAYER MEETING !!! thanks girl teaching me .
5 plus me and edward we go eat liao ( thanks for treating me ) . then in bus we talk and take PICTURE !! EDWARD ii LOVE YOUU !! then in MRT ! talk all thOSE LAME joke . loqq. funny siaoo . hhahs. thanks for sending me HOME ! luckily iii before 7 pm reach home ,, Thanks .