By Unknown - July 23, 2007
Morninggg ~
when i was in the bus . wao the driver dunnoe how to drive arhh . drive until i want to vomit like crazy . my head super pain also. loqq. and ii try nt to vomit . luckily ii neva vomit if nt ,, hahhahas. then when i reacchh bus stop . edward was there . i tell him loqq. hahhas. thenn we two walk up the school cos we are TOO early to school . while waking up the slope , we talk a lot of thing ? yes , until we talk so happily !! This is the first time we have the longest time we spent hahhas and joking . loqq. then morning . i got eat bread loqq.then when me and edward walk pass Pei chunz and a guy that is jun jie frenn . hie frenn stare at me at first its okay maybe he looking around then second time he stare again . then i super nt happy and i scold back larrhh . Think the frenn A.S.T i scare mehh loqq. THEN dun care them . they are just been lame . loqq. then recess time ><>
sue-ann and iii went to art room take colour thingyy then ii go basketball court find edward they all lloqq. then i play basketball too . hahhas . Then after schooolll .
i went to lot one with Stephh . jeremy and jian xing . and i kana ps loqq. FORGET about it . but when reach lot one okok loqq. ""))) then we eat shop loqq. then around 3 .20 we all went home . and luckily i went home early cos my daddy at home . and his friend at home play Majong ! then i went home online and then around 4 plus EDWARD DEAR ! he come pass me cake . our cake . so happy he buy cake for me . and is first time all my ex he is the first guy who buy fr me . even though pple will say its nothing . but its mean a lot to me !! thanksss "")