Tiredd ~~~
Today gt competition .
swiMMing . Running (5km). First au\id . A lot more ..
Swimmingg .. Luckily ii can finishh . 3 of them neva finiishh , <33>
Then ii darm scare ~ then ii drink until the water . eeee.
Then next station ~ RUNNING =5Km=== ii run 5 round without stopping , cool first time wor. For girls. + me and yuan qing = we get our school first girls . Hahahs . total 12\ roundd .. tiredd . hahhahs. but quite fun . and a lot of things .
Then after everything , ii went home alone then i bus i sleep . but then the driver dun know how to drive until keep stopping , then ii cant sleep well . My bodyy so smeellyy . hahahhas. <3>
then when ii reachh hm . i so hungryy lor. <3>