Not nice !! Dun eatt !! Toa payoo !! .jpg)
My dressing Ugly !!
Today Morning .. ii wake up then go school lorr. Then need to run 5km iis my school CROSS-COUNTRY BOY'S WAY ! Darm long . tHen when ii reach until The Bus-stop ii see until Angela then we board iin the bus together but then she bought down at Phoxie lrt there and she take Bus to BuKit Panjang to buy thing .. thEn i saw Qui yii . then ii smile at her . I dun wan have anything between me andd her . I must change toO . FOrgive and Forget ,. Smile . Then me and her in bus never talk then when reach school bus-stop ii walk alone . STUPIID EDWARD LIM say want come . Then he ps me . i ALone walk up the slope . Then when ii reachh school . i saw ah long theyy all dun noe why they laugh at me ?? Stupiid Guys !! Then i dun care them and ii walk to ART ROOM !! then ii seat beside Jo-ann ohh man !! GUess what ? SHE never even talk to me haiis !! Dun wan say the name . Then i alone do my art work /. Dun talk then nvm . I also dun wan care cos ii dun noe why ?? hhahahahs ") Then around 12 plus then i saw Benny Ong then he ask me go down Prepare ! Then i ask jo-ann help me take care my thing !! Thanks by the wayy _ " Then get ready for running ! 5km .. ohh man Tiredd !! Somemore ii Morning ii Neva Eat . then i no energy !!But at last ii still finishh the Running ! Then after thatt Benny Ong talk talk then ii go toliett change liao then go work place .. hahhas. Then in train super tiredd, feeling like sleeping . Then edward talk to me on the phone ! Thanks mY dear ! Then when ii reach office . Felicia come down find me . Then i do my art work We do a lot of stupiid thing . Really enjoy this Job and i have a lot to improve !! We take picture again !! BUT TODAY II NEVA WORKK GO OFFICE ONLY DO MY THING THERE !! rockk !! "0 Then felicia treat me eatt Burger King . Then next week iis ii treat her liao ! HAHAH ! we take picture picture !! I hate the dressing i wearing !! Sob Ugly ! Then after work we all go eat Ice !!! Ohh man NOt nice ! WASTE mONEYY !! ") going home sweet home !!
Today Morning .. ii wake up then go school lorr. Then need to run 5km iis my school CROSS-COUNTRY BOY'S WAY ! Darm long . tHen when ii reach until The Bus-stop ii see until Angela then we board iin the bus together but then she bought down at Phoxie lrt there and she take Bus to BuKit Panjang to buy thing .. thEn i saw Qui yii . then ii smile at her . I dun wan have anything between me andd her . I must change toO . FOrgive and Forget ,. Smile . Then me and her in bus never talk then when reach school bus-stop ii walk alone . STUPIID EDWARD LIM say want come . Then he ps me . i ALone walk up the slope . Then when ii reachh school . i saw ah long theyy all dun noe why they laugh at me ?? Stupiid Guys !! Then i dun care them and ii walk to ART ROOM !! then ii seat beside Jo-ann ohh man !! GUess what ? SHE never even talk to me haiis !! Dun wan say the name . Then i alone do my art work /. Dun talk then nvm . I also dun wan care cos ii dun noe why ?? hhahahahs ") Then around 12 plus then i saw Benny Ong then he ask me go down Prepare ! Then i ask jo-ann help me take care my thing !! Thanks by the wayy _ " Then get ready for running ! 5km .. ohh man Tiredd !! Somemore ii Morning ii Neva Eat . then i no energy !!But at last ii still finishh the Running ! Then after thatt Benny Ong talk talk then ii go toliett change liao then go work place .. hahhas. Then in train super tiredd, feeling like sleeping . Then edward talk to me on the phone ! Thanks mY dear ! Then when ii reach office . Felicia come down find me . Then i do my art work We do a lot of stupiid thing . Really enjoy this Job and i have a lot to improve !! We take picture again !! BUT TODAY II NEVA WORKK GO OFFICE ONLY DO MY THING THERE !! rockk !! "0 Then felicia treat me eatt Burger King . Then next week iis ii treat her liao ! HAHAH ! we take picture picture !! I hate the dressing i wearing !! Sob Ugly ! Then after work we all go eat Ice !!! Ohh man NOt nice ! WASTE mONEYY !! ") going home sweet home !!