Early morning wake up . Meeting sk, kian hong , jo-ann and edward because we all going church for session one first ! Then When me and kian hong on the train , sk called me and say " why i neva tell jo-ann what time meeting "? then i say have ! Then he called me and just say me so loud . Wao i so so angryy andd just dun care hhim . Then when me and kian hong borad down the train to bukit batok i saw jie xiang. I just dun wan care him norr . ") Then when we all meet until edward we all take mrt to Churchh lor. hahahas. In the train i saw until west cluster people ,, GUESS WHAT II SAW ?? shi hong beside got this old mam keep looking at her . then i though he just take a look only soo i dun care.. then ii keepp looking at him . then i noticed he was looking at Shi hong leg and top .. Cos she wearing POS skirt mahh . Then ii sms shi hong and tell her and she come sit beside me !! Then now is Shi hui ,, the guy see shi hui too so ii ask weeli ( duunoe hw to spell) to pass me his hp and i tell him to change place with him . then she say why ?? so weeli tell her lol. That old man veryy whatt ,.see see seee !! Then when we reachh Expo , we faster walk to expo nor . Then we all go look for jo-ann mah as she hab alreadyy line up . Then the sercirty tel me i cant across like tatt !! But we duncare ahhahahs !!Then There was a guy is kian hong friends . super act then i tell him dun act larr this is church not Gangster place . Then he keep quite and stare at me . Who cares !! Then when we went in ! We all are so high !! Paise the Lord !! Worship ! And a lot of problem haiis .. so messy !! Then we dun care nor .. Then ii super tiredd when pastor talk i tryy nt to slp !! Luckily ii neva slp ? Then after service ,, My bro and xin feng go Expo hall 7 For soccer ! Then They get second West Get fIRST !! yeahh then We girl cheer ! Then he girl put make-up until half-wayy then we all need to go for the last preview ..GUESS WHAT WE SAW ?? TANK !! Wao he iis okayy . a bit cute !! hhahahas. then after he sing then we go up nor .. Cool feeling going up the stage !! but my leg iis paiin .. Then after prview ii coughing like hell then we all faster ran to do make-up nor !!Tehn we all need to rush not enough time liaoo !! A lot of people looking at us ! Then Yi qi was telling me got this girl look like ah lian keep staring then i look at them then the guy stare back at me . i also dunn wan care . So small .. hahhahas Then when we all finishh we all pray nor . aNd we take our bag to hall 8 And put aside and then we practice dance !! hahhahahs we all are so high !! Then when the person say west cluster we all went to get readyy !! And we sit at the back stage there nor !! Guess what ?? We saw TANK ,, sUN HO ,, AND MORE !!hahhahas !! Wao she pretty man !! Then when is our turn to dance !! We pray liao then go .. When ii on the stage ii laugh all the wayy !! Dance all our might !! Shine for JESUS !! Then a lot of people cheer and u can see Pastor and sun ho face change !! Is nice and happy to be in West cluster !! THANKS TO EVERYONE IN WEST CLUSTER THAT HAVE GUY ME AND THANKS XUELI,, KAH KEONG AND ERIC !!Then after that we dance liao we go To hall 8 Then We asl sit there nor @! So happy and we are all so HIGHH !! Then after all come back liao .. Pastor talk lor. After that .. Eric talk to us and say he have never see such a greatt Cheerleading !! OHH MAN !! cOOL @! tHen jo-ann go back with BF > then me ,, edward ,, my bro and west cluster poeple go home together !! Then jie xiang explain to me spomething !! haiis !! Then can see my bf face change but ii also neva do anything mahh so i dun care !! When ii reachh cckk,. me ,, kezia and my bro wee all went to coofee shop and buy food cos MAc have already closed liao ! siain n !! Thn i share food with My bro .. When we reachh hm ,, bath liao then slp ?? THANK WEST CLUSTER ! KEEP IN CONTACT !! WEST CLUSTER ROCK ! WAIT FOR OUR RESULT THIS SUNDAYY !!