By Unknown - June 04, 2007
Morninnn .. I were preparing to go Churchh cos today we know the result of POS ! Then my daddy ask me what time come backk ?? then ii say 9.30 pm finiishh !! He just say CNANNOT GO !! what the .. ii m so angryy whyy cant i go out ? ii go churchh and not going shopping or mixed with the bad companyy !! I was darm sad .. then ii sms my daddyy and he did not reply . Then ii wait for his call .. He called me and say he dun wan let me go because my result !! Haiis but at last he let me .. Then ii will study more hard de.. I will nt let uu down . I will do all my bestt !! Then ii faster go Take mrt to bukit batok lor. Sk drive us ( edward and me ) to churchh . hahahhas . Hope that pOS west cluster will win yeahh /So happy waiting for result .. tHEN when reach churchh .. we all went to line up to go in EMERGE !! Then darm long lor.. hahahahs. so hot too.. Idoiiit edward and ser koon bully me ! Pig .. Then when finally can moved the line . We go in the hall . hahahas. sobb happy and tiredd !! Then whenservice startt ii was so tiredd.. Then after service ,, WEST CLUSTER !! all gather at Floyer three .. then We all veryy happyy and w378 people eat ben and jerry ice-cream .. hahahas. NICE !! NICE !! then after that we go hall 7 and find a place to eat thing together !! THANKS TERRY FOR SHARING FOOD WITH ME !! Then after that we al gather and go in the hall .. Happily and highh !! :) When resultt come out !! Then west cluster Get 2nd . North get 1st !1 haiiss dunnoe whyy ?? GOD WHY ?? I DARM SAD AND cry out .. My heartt super pain !! WHY WHY WHY ?? But thenn ii tell myself still got next yearr i will more better !! WEST CLUSTER IIN MY HEARTT U ALL ARE MY CHAMPION !! Then all worshipp ii cry out .. MY HEARTT PAINN !! why ?? Then when we sing the last song .. we all together hug and some cry haiis . i will miss u all guyss !! LOVE YEAHH !! keep in contactc !!") then after service . we all gather at hall 7 then ERIC WANT talk to us and we west cluster got free ... BEN AND JERRYY !! ") we won $200 BEN AND JERRYY ICE-CREAM !!Then Afetr all we all went take mrt together !! Then ") we make WEELI ( DUNNOE HOW TO SPELL ) .. he darm pretttyy !! I got his picture .. :0 tHanks . Wei mieng he paii me go home ") Thanks and ii will sleep well cos tmr got workk ") nite nite my dearestt WEST CLUSTER !!