Today morning . i wake up . because my Brother and my sister making noise until i cant sleep . Then i wake up lor. Also my HP keep ringing because a lot of people sms and call me . DUN noe why ToO ! Then ii see , SHI hong sms me that she todya can go quite early then ... I sms ZACK paii me go BUKIT TIMAH there buy thing then he say okay . edward come my house , play game with my brother . Then ii meet zack at Lot one then we take 67 TO cck there because JO-ANN tell me there dun have ....... tHEN zack , edward , my brother and ii go met jie xiang liao. Then we in train keep disturing Him ( Jie xiang) . He Happy liao cos He gt happy thing . 9 dunwan say out 9 .. Then we go walk walk . SHopping . ii see a lot of nice thing but ii dunwan buy . Dunwan waste moneyy . Then we go VILAGE there eat . Its located at .. heeren level B1 . darM nice de food . Eat until ii scare lor. ") we all took a lot of picture . Then its really happy . My brother iis enjoying himself . We eat piiza all this . SO EXPENSIVE !! after eating we went to FAR EAST PLAZA ! SHOPPING LOR. then from there on the way going PLAZA SINGAPURE . Saw until Jo-ann , stephanie they all . Haiis look at their face know that they dunwan see us . NVM . WHO CARES !! ii just know that ii did nothing wrong . God will judge them . i now DUN WAN anything liao. Since she now so happyy !! Then we go shopping . Darm tiredd nor . At last we go take MRT ! shi hong go home first then ME , EDWARD , JIE XIANG , ZACK AND MY BROTHER we all go VIVO CITY . go there buy thing from gIANT !! "0 then after buying we went CANDY EMPIRE !! THEN we go take mrt to cck . Edward ,, Jie xiang ,, zack help me take thing . THANKS BROTHERS !! so SAD ! my brother going home tmr . Then ii be alone soon !! hais . NO ONE WILL CARES !