Morning .
i wake up at 3 am Cos ii having NIGHTMARE .
so scare until i wake up ., and then i fall sleep back .
Then i wake up at 6am then i do all my thing .
In bus . Got this Aunt so EEEEE ... then i sittting she standing beside and she keep laying on me . Ohh man ! i cant stand it .
But nvm forget it . Hope that my top no smelly can liao. hahhahas ")
Then when i get off the Bus . Cool man ! hahahahhas .
then me and edward waitt for Bus lor. UP to school yeah .
I eat Bread - breakfast .
Recess . Noodles . = not so nice . a bit EEEE !!
IF YOU KNOW SO WHAT . sUre pple Gossiple+++
If u dun like us iis yr bloody Problem . WHO CARES .
after school . Angle go my house wait for me bath liao then ii go her house wait her to bath finishh . cosa we two going to buy ART thing . then I got bLESS!!
her mum bless me with $10 . thanks jesus . then we take bus go lor. super funny . then we bought what we want lor. i buy until 10 plus . expensive lei.Then after buying , we two super hungry so we went to eat . GUESS what we eat ?? the show can show uu . after eating . we went home by bus . Then super tired. angela come my house until 9 plus then she went home . ") quite a fun day .
Today arh .
In class verii boring and ii keep sleeping ,. like pig siao .
Then Receess time . stupid edward lim jia Hao . Throw ice make until me ii super angry with hiiim .
Ten i walk away . Then ii saw Jo-ann they all so i wanted to Join them . bUt see them so happily then i dunwan disture and they play also neva care me so i walk away better "0
Then ii go To my class lor. haiis s.
he got sms me but i neva reply .
quarreel with hiim till evening .
after schoolll. me jo-ann theyy all in school Doing ART .
Then 3pm . me , jo-ann , sue-ann . jian xing and yogas we meet Mr wee .
he treat us go Bukit panjang mac eat .
Then we talk about the DRUG thinggyy .
At last we talk finishh liao. then we went back school.
around dunnoe 5 plus then we all go home .
"0 So siian . Night night ii go slp liao.
pRetty bad mood today @
In school . During recess . edward help me buy food and ii help him buy water lor . we happily eat de . after eating finishh , Edward lim go throw the cup inside contain water and ice until me . He did nt say sorryy . And he suppose to throw on jun wen de. Idoiit . Then ii shout at edward and ii hate him larr. ii walk away lor. Then go my friend theree also no use . Dunnoe iis friendship or enermy ship . I dun care and i walk away and ii sms my frenn lor. Idoiiit edward lim . Dun wan say him liao waste my time .
after school. i go canteen lor. Becos got NPCC . pass out parade @
i got hold the nPcc cane . nice siao . I andd jun hao .
And today sec 4 and 5 we get to throw our .............. in dunnoe hw to spell . hahhas.
Then i go change liao. ii go ART room continue do my N level art work .
Smile . So siian at home so ii want to be in school better --
After that ii went to meet Weii mieng cos i ask him buy for me Starhub Top-up card for my daddy .
he ask me buy . Tmr ii be returing $ to him cos my daddy pass me the moneyy liao. Thankks Boii !
Morning ~
i wake up on time . quite early .
I meet edward at school bus-stop .
then we take School-bus up but veri smelly .
Eat breakfast . in school tiredd .
lazy hahahs . wann sleep in class .
Art class fun i enjoy it ~
After school- i go hm change liao go jie house .
waiting for night when jie come back then we go Boxing Yoga . hahhaas.
nice nice. but my hand pain ~
Every tue got de ~~
ii nw talking to jo-ann many many thinggg .
Get ready for this sunday singing wor. Good Luck !!
Yeaw ! Tireddd . i should end here . bye bye ...
i wake up on time . quite early .
I meet edward at school bus-stop .
then we take School-bus up but veri smelly .
Eat breakfast . in school tiredd .
lazy hahahs . wann sleep in class .
Art class fun i enjoy it ~
After school- i go hm change liao go jie house .
waiting for night when jie come back then we go Boxing Yoga . hahhaas.
nice nice. but my hand pain ~
Every tue got de ~~
ii nw talking to jo-ann many many thinggg .
Get ready for this sunday singing wor. Good Luck !!
Yeaw ! Tireddd . i should end here . bye bye ...
Ariel and jo-ann
=== this is today de ===
Today morning . i am late for schoo;l because i wake up late and the stupid bus lar. so long then come . Then super tiredd . yest go out so late come hm . i show u de picture ltr .Then in school Social Studies ii slp in class until maths teacher come i wake up . then english lesson i slp . Ohh man . Then recees i eat rice . after that ii go back class , Forget what lessoon . Then after school . i stay back in school do art lor ~ Then i finishh but tmr in school then teacher us how to continue lor. ")
What you have done have hurt me again .
Can u stop doing what u doing ?
and u noe is wrong ?
Pls dun let me hate you .
pls change ..
Nt talking about Bf .
Happy 1 year together ~
Edward lim jia hao andd tiffany wong ting ting
Today morning , i need to meet somone in Choa chu kang then go meet my cousin . then today w378 and xiao wei cell-group having out - reach > i bring = two cousin lor. hahahs. then me , jo-ann, kelvin , edward and my two cousin is most early de. aIYOO got a lot of people nt on time de. Then me , jo-ann ans kelvin we go eat , then my cousin and edward neva eat ~Then after eating we went to Contro station . they haven reachh , wait wait ! wei guang late sommoe . let so many pple wait for himm net . Naughty boy..then we take bus go .
Whether ~ SUPER HOT !!
cannt standdd .
The game iis fun andd tired .
realy enjoy today and ~ siian i neva go service ~
CXos of my cousin nor ,. nvm
Tmr ii be goiing ..
so happy i finally ii got a real nice ring that can fit my finger iis black de.
i reallyt like it as i long time want liao.
\ my daddy have come back singapore laio~
I super tiredd everyday like that dunnoe why .
Then ii today ii reach offiice at 10.45 lor. Pig wao . but then Nick never come Office yet lor.
Then i read newspaper iin office . Then today iis my last days of working ,
So siian ~ then today also get my pay toO !
Kelvin also got come my house de . Tmr got Cg = east coast park for game . cg outing .
Funn .
i bring two freenn .= is my two cousin . <3>
my father haven come home yett . wonder when they coming back home ,
Edward tmr iis our 1 years liao . so happy .
yeahh ..
I super tiredd everyday like that dunnoe why .
Then ii today ii reach offiice at 10.45 lor. Pig wao . but then Nick never come Office yet lor.
Then i read newspaper iin office . Then today iis my last days of working ,
So siian ~ then today also get my pay toO !
Kelvin also got come my house de . Tmr got Cg = east coast park for game . cg outing .
Funn .
i bring two freenn .= is my two cousin . <3>
my father haven come home yett . wonder when they coming back home ,
Edward tmr iis our 1 years liao . so happy .
yeahh ..
Morning ~
today morning . i go my brother hgouse . then at first i work at 8.30am then nick last min tell me that change to 10.30 siian . then my mummy buy for me breakfast lor. lot of thing lor. my work verii tired but fun lor.
Nothing to say leii. siian my daddy coming back singapore. loll. ii should finishhh her .. bye bye
today morning . i go my brother hgouse . then at first i work at 8.30am then nick last min tell me that change to 10.30 siian . then my mummy buy for me breakfast lor. lot of thing lor. my work verii tired but fun lor.
Nothing to say leii. siian my daddy coming back singapore. loll. ii should finishhh her .. bye bye
Morning . i ann edward wake up first then after thatt ii go bath then i ask edward called wee li, zack and my brother wake up because i going late soon . hahahs. i super tired . then edward let me money go take taxi . $10 ? then me and kelvin take taxi . he go home then i go work nor . then i late by a few min . then nick also late for work. then we go meet client then we eat together . hahahs. thanks nick for treating me eat ") My brother = kian hong he beat my brother = kelvin . ii was son angry . why he have become like this. then haiis long story .
Then after work , i go home alone lor. Tomoorrow ii will be working 8.30am okok. so early , thn after ii go home alone in train . Then tomoorw my daddy coming back to singapore . then i myustt be good girl liao.
Miss my brother = KELVIN WONG <3
today morning , i m the first one who wake up i think so or weeli . zack , wei siong , angelina, edward they all ton my house . iis three days two night . we have a lot of fun time together. we eat mac and pizza . nice nice. but ii spent my money veri fast ,. hahahs. my leg is painful got missacle pain . nehh ! edward today working. cool. then we keep eating mac until we supere scare already .my leg and whole body very pain ~! thanks edward for takming care of me . hahahs. even though sometime ii super crazy . then so siian kelvin going home tmr . i will alone at home . i so boring . i will miss him a lot. he iis my dearest brother .tomorrow ii will be working at 10am . super early ~ stupid shop
= Dun think tOo muchh = tingting
=yeah lor , listen to nanny = junjie
=hahahahhahas+ dun think muchh = ting and jj
= Dun think tOo muchh = tingting
=yeah lor , listen to nanny = junjie
=hahahahhahas+ dun think muchh = ting and jj
Tiredd ~~~
Today gt competition .
swiMMing . Running (5km). First au\id . A lot more ..
Swimmingg .. Luckily ii can finishh . 3 of them neva finiishh , <33>
Then ii darm scare ~ then ii drink until the water . eeee.
Then next station ~ RUNNING =5Km=== ii run 5 round without stopping , cool first time wor. For girls. + me and yuan qing = we get our school first girls . Hahahs . total 12\ roundd .. tiredd . hahhahs. but quite fun . and a lot of things .
Then after everything , ii went home alone then i bus i sleep . but then the driver dun know how to drive until keep stopping , then ii cant sleep well . My bodyy so smeellyy . hahahhas. <3>
then when ii reachh hm . i so hungryy lor. <3>
Today gt competition .
swiMMing . Running (5km). First au\id . A lot more ..
Swimmingg .. Luckily ii can finishh . 3 of them neva finiishh , <33>
Then ii darm scare ~ then ii drink until the water . eeee.
Then next station ~ RUNNING =5Km=== ii run 5 round without stopping , cool first time wor. For girls. + me and yuan qing = we get our school first girls . Hahahs . total 12\ roundd .. tiredd . hahhahs. but quite fun . and a lot of things .
Then after everything , ii went home alone then i bus i sleep . but then the driver dun know how to drive until keep stopping , then ii cant sleep well . My bodyy so smeellyy . hahahhas. <3>
then when ii reachh hm . i so hungryy lor. <3>
Tiredd ~
ii need to go seng kang meet someone .
Then ii forget toO tell gladys that jason neva come for Cg meeting .
Then gladys called me liao. say me iin Firece .
Then ser Koon called me and shout at me in phone ,, i super angry andd i noe iis my fauth but must he shout at me . then i hang his phone .Then he sms me . whatever who cares !!
Then at seng kang waitt for wei guang aboutt 45 min . oHh man !
= hate to wait for ppeople ..
SIIAN ~ meeting wei guang already then we go for CG meeting . ii miss it . ")
after cg meeting we went to eat liao Then go service @
Pastor iis backk .
Service iis good . hahhas.
Seat beside Jo-ann . she tmr wearing . all Plastic bag ! Toliett paper ii think soo.
Wonder iif her Bf see hw ?? hahhahas . i better dun imagine .
..... after service . edward and wee li go home .
me . my brother . angeline and her cg memeber come my hse .
we order mac .
Nice nice !! jo-ann eat tooo. but with jeremyy /.
Tmr bs @ cool . enjoyy todayy ??? 7/10
ii need to go seng kang meet someone .
Then ii forget toO tell gladys that jason neva come for Cg meeting .
Then gladys called me liao. say me iin Firece .
Then ser Koon called me and shout at me in phone ,, i super angry andd i noe iis my fauth but must he shout at me . then i hang his phone .Then he sms me . whatever who cares !!
Then at seng kang waitt for wei guang aboutt 45 min . oHh man !
= hate to wait for ppeople ..
SIIAN ~ meeting wei guang already then we go for CG meeting . ii miss it . ")
after cg meeting we went to eat liao Then go service @
Pastor iis backk .
Service iis good . hahhas.
Seat beside Jo-ann . she tmr wearing . all Plastic bag ! Toliett paper ii think soo.
Wonder iif her Bf see hw ?? hahhahas . i better dun imagine .
..... after service . edward and wee li go home .
me . my brother . angeline and her cg memeber come my hse .
we order mac .
Nice nice !! jo-ann eat tooo. but with jeremyy /.
Tmr bs @ cool . enjoyy todayy ??? 7/10
WE going 1 year liao !
we haven gone through a lot of problem .
Maybe sometime i love to quarrel .
thanks for U letting me !
i now dun care what pple say what >
' edward nt good"
'i hate him;
those people who say that . they judge u .
but then in bible say those who judge pple , god will judge them back !
Maybe sometime u do thing wrong that SOMEONE dun like ! Just dun care .
They though they are Prefect @ = but in this world No one is perfect !
They only wann to act infront . But then god noes ! NVM !
U guys are so eeeee !
I should end here .
No matter what ii still love u !
No people will come destroy us ! ahahhaas ")
thanks for eveything you have change becos of me !
You have Give up a lot of thing becos of me ''
maybe ii sometime CRAZY CRAZYY de ' ")
===== i believe you one day will be good ======== like never before !
God loves you and i love you tooo !!
WE going 1 year liao !
we haven gone through a lot of problem .
Maybe sometime i love to quarrel .
thanks for U letting me !
i now dun care what pple say what >
' edward nt good"
'i hate him;
those people who say that . they judge u .
but then in bible say those who judge pple , god will judge them back !
Maybe sometime u do thing wrong that SOMEONE dun like ! Just dun care .
They though they are Prefect @ = but in this world No one is perfect !
They only wann to act infront . But then god noes ! NVM !
U guys are so eeeee !
I should end here .
No matter what ii still love u !
No people will come destroy us ! ahahhaas ")
thanks for eveything you have change becos of me !
You have Give up a lot of thing becos of me ''
maybe ii sometime CRAZY CRAZYY de ' ")
===== i believe you one day will be good ======== like never before !
God loves you and i love you tooo !!
h") Today super tiredd ! havIng super bad Flur ! cos of air-con ! Then Nick my boss say that he nneed me in office at 11am. Then i have Miss call in my phone then i faster go bath all this ! then ii alone go Work . andd ii buy newspaper . Then ii listen to music and readin newapaper iin train . Until edward call me ! he lazyy pig larr. Siian ! Then iin office ii help My boss nick buy thing lor. lottss !! Really enjoy myself . But ii alone in office . and ii veriki hungry . waiting for nick go eat with me . But at last i cannt stand liao, i sms him then he say I go first lor. then ii go myself . Luckily edward chat with me if Nt ii going crazy @ . Then I getting my paid today ! hahhas. then after work ,my brother kelvin come my workplace there find me then ii go my mum house ! Then i eat at my mother hse lor. hahahs. "0 Then at 8 plus ii meet felicia at train there then we go hm together !! Then super paiin leii my LEG ! COS OF MY NEW SHOES ! tmr ii norrt going to Nick ROM ! cos if ii going then i will late of my CG meeting . so i must give up one . But i still wish them all the best yeshh ! They are sweet couple . Nick and isabel !! <3
toDay . I super tired dun feeling like waking up . Need to go school for Learning lots of things. Then i meet Jun hao then he late i wait until i want to sleep nor , siian !! Tomorrow siian still nnedd to go school for running . How > my leg iis painfull . Then after the school thinggyy . Then i faster go home change liao then i go meet edward then go my Mum house . In train, i saw Kelvin ho ! hahahs lame shit him ! Then when i reach tao pAyoo i went to look for my brother liao then we eat Ice-cReam !v Super Nice .Then after meeting my workplace frenn . then we all go my mum hse but my workplace freenn neva go .Then in my mother hse we talk talk lor. Then my mother cook food super nice . Thanks MUm ! Then i bath at my mother house ! Then around 6 plus me . edward .kelvin we went take mrt to Plaza singapure ! we went there find gladys theyy all liao then we all go watch show . Fastice 4 ( duunnoe hw to spell ) SUper nice show ! Must watchh '' Then after show we all go back home . Enjoy myself with my brother "0
Sob cute ( tingting)
Me tOo ( kezia)
But i still dunwan accept you ( tingting)
I love Edward(tingting)
Wao she gave me Flower ?
I dunwan accept ! (tingting)
AT around 4 plus felicia ( from my school) call me . siaoo girlgirl . Then she disture Wei ting . poor girl ! hahahs/.Then ii tell felicia dun disture . Cos i wan sleep lor. Then morning . i wake up quite early then i bath all this nor .Then when i on e way going to take mrt i saw geraline she change a lot liao larr . haiis . She not hungry for god anymore . Then i say hihi to her . Ohh man ! felicia let me wait for her about 15 min . I super Nt in mood . nO patient ! hahhas "0 but its fine ! Then in train . super tired wann to slp. Then when we reach Tao payOo. we went to eat .Then i eat a lot . Felicia want me eat a lot . hahahas. Then after eating i went office do my thing . then when nick come to office liao. We two going shopping and meet owner lor. Is fun and i learnt a lot of thingg. Then after that we come back office ii do all my thing . Then when i going finish work. felicia boss tell me bad new ( dunwan say ) . so sadd ! Felicia dun sad hao mahh ") ..Then after that we went to cine meet Kezia . we went to eat ben and jerry together hahhas . SO Happyy !! After that we went to eat LOng John Silver !! Full man ! Then we went shopping !! We take a lot of picture . and my leg super paiin ! and at around 8 plus ii go home lor. HAHAHS. ! thanks girlss !
Morning . so sad ! my brother going back home . No one going accompany me at night . Then my bro and ii go meet felicia liao then we all go TAO PAYoO. then ii meet my mother too . I treat them eat . Mummy i love you ! Thanks feliciia too . THEN we go work lor. When i reach office . Nic MY BOSS say today go shopping in working hour . Can restt . Cos i super tiredd. Then in working ii really enjoy cos i dun have to worry so muchh thing . i dun know why many thing happenedd . Now ii dun have a sister that been so many years . She gone now . Nvm let dun say about her . Then after work . Me felicia and angeline go ORCHARD . go there buy ART thing . hahaha. got a guy verii funny . Keep asking me to Buy thing (jeweelly.) Then he keep making me go in the shop ,. He iis soB cute like my Bf sister babyy !! hahhas ") Then super tired. at night they come my house ,. ")

Today morning . i wake up . because my Brother and my sister making noise until i cant sleep . Then i wake up lor. Also my HP keep ringing because a lot of people sms and call me . DUN noe why ToO ! Then ii see , SHI hong sms me that she todya can go quite early then ... I sms ZACK paii me go BUKIT TIMAH there buy thing then he say okay . edward come my house , play game with my brother . Then ii meet zack at Lot one then we take 67 TO cck there because JO-ANN tell me there dun have ....... tHEN zack , edward , my brother and ii go met jie xiang liao. Then we in train keep disturing Him ( Jie xiang) . He Happy liao cos He gt happy thing . 9 dunwan say out 9 .. Then we go walk walk . SHopping . ii see a lot of nice thing but ii dunwan buy . Dunwan waste moneyy . Then we go VILAGE there eat . Its located at .. heeren level B1 . darM nice de food . Eat until ii scare lor. ") we all took a lot of picture . Then its really happy . My brother iis enjoying himself . We eat piiza all this . SO EXPENSIVE !! after eating we went to FAR EAST PLAZA ! SHOPPING LOR. then from there on the way going PLAZA SINGAPURE . Saw until Jo-ann , stephanie they all . Haiis look at their face know that they dunwan see us . NVM . WHO CARES !! ii just know that ii did nothing wrong . God will judge them . i now DUN WAN anything liao. Since she now so happyy !! Then we go shopping . Darm tiredd nor . At last we go take MRT ! shi hong go home first then ME , EDWARD , JIE XIANG , ZACK AND MY BROTHER we all go VIVO CITY . go there buy thing from gIANT !! "0 then after buying we went CANDY EMPIRE !! THEN we go take mrt to cck . Edward ,, Jie xiang ,, zack help me take thing . THANKS BROTHERS !! so SAD ! my brother going home tmr . Then ii be alone soon !! hais . NO ONE WILL CARES !
Morning . Today ii not feelig well and i wake up Super early . Think around 8 plus ! Then i dunnoe why soB painFul . Then i went toliet . hahahs ") Ohh man ! hahhahas. Then ii really super weak and i sms edward lor. Then ii tell him nor . Then he say want him to come a not ? Then i say dun need . Then i say if Not so Pain ii will go CG . Then around 12 pm i go bath . Come oout of the toliet , I feel super giddy and In pain . Sob Edward come My house take care of me ! Thanks . Then 1 plus me ,, my Bro and edward paii me go see doctor . anD ii cannt even walk for short distance . So we take taxi to See doctor . Then Guess what The doctor say that ii got ?? FOOD POSIONING !! ii yest eat Balls Beside The bubble tea at the mac LeVEL THERE . and the pasmala. Dunnoe h w To spell . Please Pple . dun buy . if nt uu will pay to be suffer . Is really painfull ! THANKS god ii slowly recover ! Then ii is $37 . So expensive and then so many Medicine to eat . eee ! I hate itt but no choice to eat it . Then ii at home . sleep. tHne my brother and edward play game and take care of me tOo ! "0 Thanks / then at nite around 8 plua edward went back home . Then ii neva eat anything cos feeling like vomiting . Then at lastt in my room . i feel hungry and decided to eat . Hhahahas. Luckily i eat liao neva vomitt .. ") I have learnt a lesson . Dun anyhow eat . ") Tmr ii will go Churchh ..
So cutee EARING !!
Morning . Super tiredd. Then ii meet Felicia at 10am at Choa Chu Kang . Then we go Tao payoO shOpPIng ! Then ii Wear OffiCe clother ! hahahas ! Then in Tao PayOo ii go Buy shoes And earing . Nice nICE ! ") Then Today iin office wif nick . Then ii do my job lor. Sob tiredd . Then iin office ii keep waiting for 3 pm cos can go eat lor. Then me and felicia go eat SUBWAY !! Then nice worr. aFTER go shopping .. hahhas . Loves shopping ! Then after work . I go shoopping again wif felicia .. hahhahas. I getting my paid on Sunday ! so Happy .. Then after that me and felicia go Take mrt to cHoa chu kang ! then we go buy thing liao then she come my house !! Lots of thing larrb . dun wan say out ././
Not nice !! Dun eatt !! Toa payoo !! .jpg)
My dressing Ugly !!
Today Morning .. ii wake up then go school lorr. Then need to run 5km iis my school CROSS-COUNTRY BOY'S WAY ! Darm long . tHen when ii reach until The Bus-stop ii see until Angela then we board iin the bus together but then she bought down at Phoxie lrt there and she take Bus to BuKit Panjang to buy thing .. thEn i saw Qui yii . then ii smile at her . I dun wan have anything between me andd her . I must change toO . FOrgive and Forget ,. Smile . Then me and her in bus never talk then when reach school bus-stop ii walk alone . STUPIID EDWARD LIM say want come . Then he ps me . i ALone walk up the slope . Then when ii reachh school . i saw ah long theyy all dun noe why they laugh at me ?? Stupiid Guys !! Then i dun care them and ii walk to ART ROOM !! then ii seat beside Jo-ann ohh man !! GUess what ? SHE never even talk to me haiis !! Dun wan say the name . Then i alone do my art work /. Dun talk then nvm . I also dun wan care cos ii dun noe why ?? hhahahahs ") Then around 12 plus then i saw Benny Ong then he ask me go down Prepare ! Then i ask jo-ann help me take care my thing !! Thanks by the wayy _ " Then get ready for running ! 5km .. ohh man Tiredd !! Somemore ii Morning ii Neva Eat . then i no energy !!But at last ii still finishh the Running ! Then after thatt Benny Ong talk talk then ii go toliett change liao then go work place .. hahhas. Then in train super tiredd, feeling like sleeping . Then edward talk to me on the phone ! Thanks mY dear ! Then when ii reach office . Felicia come down find me . Then i do my art work We do a lot of stupiid thing . Really enjoy this Job and i have a lot to improve !! We take picture again !! BUT TODAY II NEVA WORKK GO OFFICE ONLY DO MY THING THERE !! rockk !! "0 Then felicia treat me eatt Burger King . Then next week iis ii treat her liao ! HAHAH ! we take picture picture !! I hate the dressing i wearing !! Sob Ugly ! Then after work we all go eat Ice !!! Ohh man NOt nice ! WASTE mONEYY !! ") going home sweet home !!
Today Morning .. ii wake up then go school lorr. Then need to run 5km iis my school CROSS-COUNTRY BOY'S WAY ! Darm long . tHen when ii reach until The Bus-stop ii see until Angela then we board iin the bus together but then she bought down at Phoxie lrt there and she take Bus to BuKit Panjang to buy thing .. thEn i saw Qui yii . then ii smile at her . I dun wan have anything between me andd her . I must change toO . FOrgive and Forget ,. Smile . Then me and her in bus never talk then when reach school bus-stop ii walk alone . STUPIID EDWARD LIM say want come . Then he ps me . i ALone walk up the slope . Then when ii reachh school . i saw ah long theyy all dun noe why they laugh at me ?? Stupiid Guys !! Then i dun care them and ii walk to ART ROOM !! then ii seat beside Jo-ann ohh man !! GUess what ? SHE never even talk to me haiis !! Dun wan say the name . Then i alone do my art work /. Dun talk then nvm . I also dun wan care cos ii dun noe why ?? hhahahahs ") Then around 12 plus then i saw Benny Ong then he ask me go down Prepare ! Then i ask jo-ann help me take care my thing !! Thanks by the wayy _ " Then get ready for running ! 5km .. ohh man Tiredd !! Somemore ii Morning ii Neva Eat . then i no energy !!But at last ii still finishh the Running ! Then after thatt Benny Ong talk talk then ii go toliett change liao then go work place .. hahhas. Then in train super tiredd, feeling like sleeping . Then edward talk to me on the phone ! Thanks mY dear ! Then when ii reach office . Felicia come down find me . Then i do my art work We do a lot of stupiid thing . Really enjoy this Job and i have a lot to improve !! We take picture again !! BUT TODAY II NEVA WORKK GO OFFICE ONLY DO MY THING THERE !! rockk !! "0 Then felicia treat me eatt Burger King . Then next week iis ii treat her liao ! HAHAH ! we take picture picture !! I hate the dressing i wearing !! Sob Ugly ! Then after work we all go eat Ice !!! Ohh man NOt nice ! WASTE mONEYY !! ") going home sweet home !!
Today Morning . i super early wake up because The AIR CON ! super cold until i having running nose .Then my sister was crying so louding . Ohh man so noisy . i was super tiredd. Then ii wake up go brush teeth all this then ii play com .. Until dun noe what time i go bath then i go meet felicia. I intro her work . Today her first day work . hahhas. Then today i wif her meeting one girl at woodland liao. Then she super long sob angry . Then after meeting her .,, take mrt to tao payo meet other girl liao. Then me and felicia go Mac buy thing liao then we go office . She come my office first then ii got lots of thing to do . Then around 1 plus ii help Nick buy thing and then i ask felicia paii me go nor . After buying nick call me and say dun need buy cos he no time eat cos need to meet boss .Then ii eat nor . So felicia go buyy .. hahahas. we eat together at office .. hahahhas ") Then After eating i continue my calling all this nor .Super tiredd . cos not enough sleep . then after work .. after workk . ii go eat wiff felicia . thanks that she treat me eat . I will treat uu back . ") Then we go shopping nor . HHAHAH . ii need a pair of new shoes . haiis . ii m waiting for my paidd .. ii will work harderr .. earn more moneyy !! after shooping all this i go home lor. haiis . My daddy told me he no moneyy . so heart painn !! haiis .. ii dun wan buy anything alreadyy haiiss . save moneyy ...
Morning . wake up No moneyy cos my money give my brother ! Then ii walk to intercharge to meet jo-ann and go school with her for my art ! ") Then when reach school bus-stop wao must walk up the Slope my leg pain !! Then super tiredd too !! happy siao today ii can start my ART cutting liao. Then ii saw benny oNg he say this thursday must go schoo run 40 km or what ?? 4 get liao darm long ! Then around 11 plus i leave the school take bus go Bukit batok .. and when i reach there ii go change my clother and then ii meet edward . he paii me go but sweet liao . then he paii me waitt mrt then when he reach home he called me los . r.. Thanks worr !! hahaha. Then we chat until i reach office . and ii buy bread and eat .. Coke from mac and drink . Then ii alone in office do my thing lor. I must work hard !! Then ii hang the phone and ii start doing my thing nor . Untill 6 pm ii finish my work then ii go my mother house eat !! "0 thanks mummy !! andd o ask edward come toa payo paii me go home . Thanks to hiim :) i love uu !! in train we talkk .. then he paii me go home ..
i LOVE u ! ") Even though ii crazy always quarrell wiff uu ! But i still love uu .. hahhas. 230606 we going one year\ liao we. cannt let other poeple destroy Our realationship !!!
Today morning . ii got work at 12 must reachh . Then I meet joa-nn at 10 am then ii 9.30 then wake up . i m super tiredd and ii wake up and sleepp . I meeting jo-ann at lot one and eat Breakfast together !! hahahs. ii was so happy going to workk leii !! Then i eat breakfast finiish i recieve a call from my daddy and say i need to go home cos passs key to my brpother !! Haiis so i ask jeremyy paii me go nor . hahhahs jeremy thanks !! ") then when i reach home WAO rain so heavilyy wor. so i bring Umbrealla lor. then wan to reachh lot one time then the rain stop what de . then ii ask jeremy take firstt ! hahhahas. Thanks . Then 11.10 ii go take mrt alone ii call edward no one pick up . Then ii listen to music andd studdy nor . Darm boring and tiredd. wanna to sleep in train nor . hahahhas. Then when reachh liao iis at 11.50 lor.then i reachh i called nick then he say he meet me at mac lorr. WAITT !! hahhas . i called edward and he finally wake up and WEST CLUSTER ( ZACK,, WEELI,,JIE XIANG ) theyy al ton at his house .. lol. When nick meet until me then we go buy valume lor. hhahhaahhs. Then reachh Nicki office ii was so scaredd !! cos many ppeople looking at me mahh !! haiis . So tiredd and ii do all calling !! ") Tmr must remeber clear the office ..
Morninnn .. I were preparing to go Churchh cos today we know the result of POS ! Then my daddy ask me what time come backk ?? then ii say 9.30 pm finiishh !! He just say CNANNOT GO !! what the .. ii m so angryy whyy cant i go out ? ii go churchh and not going shopping or mixed with the bad companyy !! I was darm sad .. then ii sms my daddyy and he did not reply . Then ii wait for his call .. He called me and say he dun wan let me go because my result !! Haiis but at last he let me .. Then ii will study more hard de.. I will nt let uu down . I will do all my bestt !! Then ii faster go Take mrt to bukit batok lor. Sk drive us ( edward and me ) to churchh . hahahhas . Hope that pOS west cluster will win yeahh /So happy waiting for result .. tHEN when reach churchh .. we all went to line up to go in EMERGE !! Then darm long lor.. hahahahs. so hot too.. Idoiiit edward and ser koon bully me ! Pig .. Then when finally can moved the line . We go in the hall . hahahas. sobb happy and tiredd !! Then whenservice startt ii was so tiredd.. Then after service ,, WEST CLUSTER !! all gather at Floyer three .. then We all veryy happyy and w378 people eat ben and jerry ice-cream .. hahahas. NICE !! NICE !! then after that we go hall 7 and find a place to eat thing together !! THANKS TERRY FOR SHARING FOOD WITH ME !! Then after that we al gather and go in the hall .. Happily and highh !! :) When resultt come out !! Then west cluster Get 2nd . North get 1st !1 haiiss dunnoe whyy ?? GOD WHY ?? I DARM SAD AND cry out .. My heartt super pain !! WHY WHY WHY ?? But thenn ii tell myself still got next yearr i will more better !! WEST CLUSTER IIN MY HEARTT U ALL ARE MY CHAMPION !! Then all worshipp ii cry out .. MY HEARTT PAINN !! why ?? Then when we sing the last song .. we all together hug and some cry haiis . i will miss u all guyss !! LOVE YEAHH !! keep in contactc !!") then after service . we all gather at hall 7 then ERIC WANT talk to us and we west cluster got free ... BEN AND JERRYY !! ") we won $200 BEN AND JERRYY ICE-CREAM !!Then Afetr all we all went take mrt together !! Then ") we make WEELI ( DUNNOE HOW TO SPELL ) .. he darm pretttyy !! I got his picture .. :0 tHanks . Wei mieng he paii me go home ") Thanks and ii will sleep well cos tmr got workk ") nite nite my dearestt WEST CLUSTER !!
Today me , and my two brother go church together and we meeting edward and go together nor .Then we meet edward at Bukit batok then we all go church together .. Then in MRT got lots of thing happenedd !! Then jo-ann called me and say that we WEST CLUSTER LOST !! when i heard ii was darm sad , cos got a lot of people say we did verrii well . Then the wiinner iis SOUTH AND NORTH CLUSTER !! ohh man .. is impossiable for west cluster to losee .. haiis .. Then when we reachh tane mearhh ,, ii saw peter and wei meing . he also tell me we lostt haiis !! Then when we all reach expo we all go expo hall 7 looking for gladyss theyy all .. Jason win the soccer winning 11 .. then sk lostt !! Haiis .. But nvm still got next yearr !! after all adeline and wei guang go line up firstt .. then my brother follow too .. mmm.,. me and jo-ann went toliett then when we meet until kian hong and edward we all go together find them but then they in line we cannot go in norr .. so we went to line up nor .. Darm long quee no choice ..Then ii m so tiredd then stupiid edward not man will nt let me seatt .. Super hot haiis .theni mm angryy ii also dunnoe whyy !! haiis // When the line moved ii was darm happyy ... Then when reach inside liaoo .. me and jo-ann want to go buy sweet then we go lorr. when we come back got this guy stop us and say whatt we cannt go in cos they have nt prove iif we have come out .. OHH man ii was darm angryy ..then i call gladys nor then she come help us . And there was this sercirtyy iis kim daddyy and come help us ..Thankss uncle.. !!! ") then we al go church happily hahhahahas.// Start our service !! super tiredd and nnt sobb boring lorr.. Then iis reallyy veri touch the viedoo .. haiis .. and after service .. !!! JIE XIANG CALLED ME AND GUESS WHAT HE SAY ?? HE SAY WEST CLUSTER WIN .. OHH ,MAN !! II WAS SO HIGH AND ASKING WHAT HAPPENEDD !! tHANKS GOD FOR ANSWING MY PRAYER !! THANKS GOD .. GO ! GO ! GO !! WEST CLUSTER UU GUYS ROCKK !!
Yesterdayy ii neva go churchh sobb siian !! my daddyy dun let cos ii always go out ! But then ii not going shopping iis churchh norr . hahhahahs. Then ii whole day at home stuyding online lor. I tell uu at home scukk !! AUNT ( STEP-MOTHER) SISTER( STEP-SISTER) they verii noisyy de better if they go ..cos they witt my daddyy going oversea soon ,. COOL ! i will be alone in singapore . I will have peace at home .. No one can disture me !! Leave me alone . I HATE aunt !! haiiss what she do make me feel like beating her !! I should stop here as ii gett readdyy to go churchhh !!

Early morning wake up . Meeting sk, kian hong , jo-ann and edward because we all going church for session one first ! Then When me and kian hong on the train , sk called me and say " why i neva tell jo-ann what time meeting "? then i say have ! Then he called me and just say me so loud . Wao i so so angryy andd just dun care hhim . Then when me and kian hong borad down the train to bukit batok i saw jie xiang. I just dun wan care him norr . ") Then when we all meet until edward we all take mrt to Churchh lor. hahahas. In the train i saw until west cluster people ,, GUESS WHAT II SAW ?? shi hong beside got this old mam keep looking at her . then i though he just take a look only soo i dun care.. then ii keepp looking at him . then i noticed he was looking at Shi hong leg and top .. Cos she wearing POS skirt mahh . Then ii sms shi hong and tell her and she come sit beside me !! Then now is Shi hui ,, the guy see shi hui too so ii ask weeli ( duunoe hw to spell) to pass me his hp and i tell him to change place with him . then she say why ?? so weeli tell her lol. That old man veryy whatt ,.see see seee !! Then when we reachh Expo , we faster walk to expo nor . Then we all go look for jo-ann mah as she hab alreadyy line up . Then the sercirty tel me i cant across like tatt !! But we duncare ahhahahs !!Then There was a guy is kian hong friends . super act then i tell him dun act larr this is church not Gangster place . Then he keep quite and stare at me . Who cares !! Then when we went in ! We all are so high !! Paise the Lord !! Worship ! And a lot of problem haiis .. so messy !! Then we dun care nor .. Then ii super tiredd when pastor talk i tryy nt to slp !! Luckily ii neva slp ? Then after service ,, My bro and xin feng go Expo hall 7 For soccer ! Then They get second West Get fIRST !! yeahh then We girl cheer ! Then he girl put make-up until half-wayy then we all need to go for the last preview ..GUESS WHAT WE SAW ?? TANK !! Wao he iis okayy . a bit cute !! hhahahas. then after he sing then we go up nor .. Cool feeling going up the stage !! but my leg iis paiin .. Then after prview ii coughing like hell then we all faster ran to do make-up nor !!Tehn we all need to rush not enough time liaoo !! A lot of people looking at us ! Then Yi qi was telling me got this girl look like ah lian keep staring then i look at them then the guy stare back at me . i also dunn wan care . So small .. hahhahas Then when we all finishh we all pray nor . aNd we take our bag to hall 8 And put aside and then we practice dance !! hahhahahs we all are so high !! Then when the person say west cluster we all went to get readyy !! And we sit at the back stage there nor !! Guess what ?? We saw TANK ,, sUN HO ,, AND MORE !!hahhahas !! Wao she pretty man !! Then when is our turn to dance !! We pray liao then go .. When ii on the stage ii laugh all the wayy !! Dance all our might !! Shine for JESUS !! Then a lot of people cheer and u can see Pastor and sun ho face change !! Is nice and happy to be in West cluster !! THANKS TO EVERYONE IN WEST CLUSTER THAT HAVE GUY ME AND THANKS XUELI,, KAH KEONG AND ERIC !!Then after that we dance liao we go To hall 8 Then We asl sit there nor @! So happy and we are all so HIGHH !! Then after all come back liao .. Pastor talk lor. After that .. Eric talk to us and say he have never see such a greatt Cheerleading !! OHH MAN !! cOOL @! tHen jo-ann go back with BF > then me ,, edward ,, my bro and west cluster poeple go home together !! Then jie xiang explain to me spomething !! haiis !! Then can see my bf face change but ii also neva do anything mahh so i dun care !! When ii reachh cckk,. me ,, kezia and my bro wee all went to coofee shop and buy food cos MAc have already closed liao ! siain n !! Thn i share food with My bro .. When we reachh hm ,, bath liao then slp ?? THANK WEST CLUSTER ! KEEP IN CONTACT !! WEST CLUSTER ROCK ! WAIT FOR OUR RESULT THIS SUNDAYY !!