By Unknown - June 18, 2011
We rent this boat at the Bedok Reservoir.
Passion member $7
Non passion member $15
this is only for the sit on boat .
Its quite fun and its totally different from normal kaya BOAT !

It seem that everyone is enjoying themselves !
I LOVE spending time with friend at the mid of the reservoir !

Everyone is like so relax while we should be training
for our next week race !

Guess what we doing ?
actually all desmond & sha team want to patch up together
hold onto my boat then only my team paddle . and it form
to be like a train !

My partner & I
This is our first time taking part in kayaking race
4km !
Its may seem long but then we will do our best !
Win or Lost it doesnt matter , we just want to gain experience
and then we will work harder the next time ;)
Morning forcusing myself to wake up to go for training as outside
its raining heavily and its really a good weather to sleep !
then my team-mate derwin was like sms-ing me that he not going
for training , but then i keep sms him to come then at the end
we meet then we go down training together !
today training was killing as i row my left and right side .
muscle start aching after i row right hand side . i think i got to train two
side to make it a balance if not my hand will be super tired after
a few round of training !
after training , jia min drive me to Bedok reservoir instead of driving me to
kallang mrt station ! all thanks to her and i am not late !
and today training was really fun ! spending so much time with them talking
and then training , so that next sunday when in race time i will
not panic.
Wash up already then head off to Tampinese century mall to have
popoyee. Love today lunch ! super full and nice !
later on i rush down to city hall to meet a customer for lens then later on
rush down to service ! ;) so happy to come back to Suntec city ;)
Praise n worship GOD ! And today drama was real awesome.
Cry at the part when the son apologise to his father ( he found out
his father got some illness) . today Pastor kong talk about the great men
in the bible :
1. Compassion
all these point , the guys should work towards it ;)