By Unknown - June 17, 2011
Part of my kayaking team ;)

my girlfriends ;)
all are from Dragonboat !

Hafiz the birthday boy ;)

Samuel Tham & Me
the youngest boy in my class ;)
17 this year !

This picture taken was super random !
she took this photo without me knowing it -_- !

This is my new communication Team-mates !
and this team almost all LOVE taking photo !
so half way through preparing the presentation slide , we
went to take PHOTOS ;)
Today is also my Kayaking team-ate birthday too !
Christian & Louis ! went to give them surprise by going up
to their class to pass them the cake ! ;)
after that i got to rush back to my class to celebrate
my classmate birthday ! and the cake was super nice , going to
check out where they got it . and i want to place an order
during my daddy birthday ;)
today lesson was great , but i am not really feeling well.
and totally no mood & i went home straight after school
to rest at home ! and tomorrow will be another long day for me ;(