By Unknown - June 15, 2011
2 Things we be doing here is :
1st : We be doing group rescue !
- Everyone capsize the boat together then we try to save each other !
2nd : We get into two . Partner rescue !
- Everyone capsize and partner save their partner. And for this
only me and my partner manage to save ourself ;)
it was a fun process that i LIKE !

Everyone gather today to have debrief ;)

sabina busy taking photo while everyone is paying attention ;x

we are all using an boat different from kayaking boat .
is much more easier to capsize . but guess what ? my leg
secure until very tight and I cant capsize. I got to row 1-5 times before
i can successfully capsize ;)
and i still got to overcome the fear of capsize . is that scary man !
and without fail , my nose always pain !

blur shot ! wonder who took this picture ! ? !

all ready to start POOL TRAINING !