Everyone is happily enjoying taking photo ! ;D

i love this picture VERY MUCH ;D
everyone is like super cute can !

Xian feng & Me
;D my DB buddy but he no longer
rowing le !

I thought today Jon will be ordering Buffet but
guess what ? we went to buy MAC instead ! YUMMY !
CAN ! and total he spent on the food was $100 plus
is like first time seeing the amount of money !


went to visit my Grandfather at the hospital . He met an car accident ;(
His leg was badly injure but thanks GOD that my grandfather is out
of ICU ! and my brother and I went to visit him , I broke out to tears ;(
seeing him in this kind of state its really breaks my heart !
and he told me that he is very HENG that this accident did
not led him to death . And spent time talking to him before i head off to City hall !
before going to Jon birthday party , i actually went to IT fair
at Suntec City to look for Hui shuang and i am like a crazy mad
women walking here and there to search for hui shuang and at the
end she pick up my call and i manage to see her . Chit chat a while before
i go off to Ritz Calter hotel ! ( Pardon me for wrong spelling )
and the room super big to the max can !!!
Super like KING PLACE !
spending so much fun at JOn birthday party ! and lastly before i end
i would like to thank jon to invite me to his party .
and You are a good friend to me in Kiyah splash ;)
;) may i wish you all the best in whatever you do in future !