By Unknown - January 10, 2008
Dun get wrong !
i am nt pointing middle finger .
but i dunnoe why picture turn out to be like tat
Today result is out !
I wake up at 9 plus , faster switch on laptop even though i am super tiredd .
hahahas =) Guess what ? the result nt out yet . but the ITE teacher told me that today will be out . siian lO. i darm sad . ="(
then today i suppose to go interview JOb at enous n look for nicol at his working place with terry . . guess what ? he PS me . then i super angry with him man !
then i also dun wan care . i went to teck whye cc take my cheque for my Edsave award ! I clever mah tat why get * LOL. hahahs ! kidding only . then i meet alex at yew tee . saw until jo-ann , jeremy n jj lo. chat chat . until alex come then we go take taxi to his workplace . then with his two fren . in taxi so slient sia . sleepy =(
interview . quite okay lol.
i would like to try out . if i dun really like it , then i dun contiune lo .
Then half-way trough the talk , i get a lot of call from ( daddy , edward n ITE teacher)
guess what she tell me ? i get into the course . wao ! super happy lehh . finally i can go school . =) finish everything at 7 plus , then went home with alex they all lol.
hmmm tmr i will be gng clemite ite lo .n workplace too .