By Unknown - January 22, 2008
School today.
meeting beeleng at school bus-stop . so cool that today i am not late . cos i not meeting anyone bah . i going school alone . then lesson today is okay lorh . got a lot of project now . i must start doing it leh . cos i want to pass well . then today got 3 hr break . then my mummy called me and say about my brother thing . i really dont know what to do about it already . so i share with him .then me , beeleng , irene , yuqin, phoebe and sherly we go eat . japanese food lo . quite nice . after eating me n sherly playing with the food n we take picture of it , is quite nice .
after tat , we take bus to school . then we looking for a place to sleep . i am super tired .so i sleep about 1 hr pls . cool man . then study study study !
FInish schoool .
i waiting for kenneth . then alvin come wait me at school bus-stop to go together mah . people dont think anyhow okay . we are just friends ! then reach there . change . then the girl we go run 2.4 km .then me n another girl ( dunoe how to spell her name ) we run finish first . hahahs we two are so happy cos first time run without stopping . then we do 300 push-up . hahahs =P enjoy today training yeah .
after training ,
went to eat with dragon boat people .
then went home sweet home . chatting only with friendss . and do project
meeting beeleng at school bus-stop . so cool that today i am not late . cos i not meeting anyone bah . i going school alone . then lesson today is okay lorh . got a lot of project now . i must start doing it leh . cos i want to pass well . then today got 3 hr break . then my mummy called me and say about my brother thing . i really dont know what to do about it already . so i share with him .then me , beeleng , irene , yuqin, phoebe and sherly we go eat . japanese food lo . quite nice . after eating me n sherly playing with the food n we take picture of it , is quite nice .
after tat , we take bus to school . then we looking for a place to sleep . i am super tired .so i sleep about 1 hr pls . cool man . then study study study !
FInish schoool .
i waiting for kenneth . then alvin come wait me at school bus-stop to go together mah . people dont think anyhow okay . we are just friends ! then reach there . change . then the girl we go run 2.4 km .then me n another girl ( dunoe how to spell her name ) we run finish first . hahahs we two are so happy cos first time run without stopping . then we do 300 push-up . hahahs =P enjoy today training yeah .
after training ,
went to eat with dragon boat people .
then went home sweet home . chatting only with friendss . and do project