By Unknown - January 04, 2008
fGoing back school today again .
helping out Npcc lOl.
all the CI neva come only me .
=) .
then morning
nicol suddenly call me n ask if i at hm a not
he say wann to give me suprise ?
i dunnoe what he trying to do .
then he sms me go down meet him , he want pass me something.
but i neva go down but ask him come up . i lazy mah !
hahahs =P GUess what ?
He give me a Box . ( that contain food )
WAO ! he cook food for me . hahahs .
NIce , but i dun like the red , green , yellow thingyy .
dunoe what tat oo .
thKs nicol for cooking .
after that , went bath then meet yong haw at Pending lo.
he accompany me to school lo. but at last half-way only , cos raining .
then reach schoool . do npcc thingy lol
the sec 2&3 drill cannt make it . i will try my best to teach them also lo.
hahhahas =)
around 4 plus ,
sk come fecth me . then me , xue li , sk n his frenn we go mac eat lo.
talk talk . the after that we went home . lol.
Iron unfirom . Polish Boots also lO.
tmr gng school for sec 1 orientation lo.
hope everything go smoothly .