Me & Jo-ann& Keziia 
Today morning , Then i super tiredd so i contiune sleep then edward called me and i tell him that i want to continue to sleep dun wan go school . then after thatt i sms my daddy that I dun wan go school can ? He reply say can ! So happy then i continue sleepp until 11 plus . BUt then i wake up but till verii tiredd ! But i wake up do all my thing liao then i on laptop play lorr. uNtillll, dun noe what time i chat with Kezia then i msn her that can i go her house early cos ii dun be at home ! Cos my STEP-MOTHER ( II SUPERR HATE HER ) but god say hate your Enermy !!Haiisss. Then i faster go bath and walk to Kezia house . Then me was wearing POS dance customer ! Then nice mann ! Then when i reach her house i use her com and watchh YOUTUBE !! gANGSTER show . dARm touchh !! ") Then Kezia sleep . Until time up i call her ,, bath liao then we go lot one norr. Then JO-ann help kezia buy thingg ! Then me and kezia go buy Bra strip for felicia norr !! Then we all meet at jurong . Luckily we nt so late reachh ") On time . Then we go food fair and eat thing . Then we buyt hing eat . I wann to thanks JO-ANN ,, FELICIAA for the treatt ") then today ii no money cos my daddy also no moneyy . thenn after eating we walk fast fast to FLOYER 3 as they alreaddy go in th hall liaoo . Thankd they haven start .l Then when we start we neva do well . But we start the preview we dance and the problem is we haven learn the new dance ! And many people neva come . Everyone need to do a partt if not .... haiis Then second preview we do even better !! Good job guys !! Then when we finishh everything, we all walk to meet at control station then my dadyy call me and scold me lor. wHAT the hell ii also never do anything wrong !! ii am super sadd and i cryy !!Really thinking for leaving the house !! in train, ii sms jie xiang i tell him cos he talking to other people so dun wan talk to him ! Then he come find me and talk to him ! Thanks to girlss and jie xiang, and GUYS talking to me nicly and make me laughh ! Annd then ZACK ,, WEI MEING,, KEZIA,, JOLINE WE ALL GO home together , we sent Kezia home liao then send me home . Then they go home nor . Realy thanks to themm !! Great to have uu all !! My brother at my house andd think tmr i not going for the vertical maraton ! Cos if ii go then no one accompanny my brotherr !! Sorry i cant accompanyy uu all !!

Today morning , Then i super tiredd so i contiune sleep then edward called me and i tell him that i want to continue to sleep dun wan go school . then after thatt i sms my daddy that I dun wan go school can ? He reply say can ! So happy then i continue sleepp until 11 plus . BUt then i wake up but till verii tiredd ! But i wake up do all my thing liao then i on laptop play lorr. uNtillll, dun noe what time i chat with Kezia then i msn her that can i go her house early cos ii dun be at home ! Cos my STEP-MOTHER ( II SUPERR HATE HER ) but god say hate your Enermy !!Haiisss. Then i faster go bath and walk to Kezia house . Then me was wearing POS dance customer ! Then nice mann ! Then when i reach her house i use her com and watchh YOUTUBE !! gANGSTER show . dARm touchh !! ") Then Kezia sleep . Until time up i call her ,, bath liao then we go lot one norr. Then JO-ann help kezia buy thingg ! Then me and kezia go buy Bra strip for felicia norr !! Then we all meet at jurong . Luckily we nt so late reachh ") On time . Then we go food fair and eat thing . Then we buyt hing eat . I wann to thanks JO-ANN ,, FELICIAA for the treatt ") then today ii no money cos my daddy also no moneyy . thenn after eating we walk fast fast to FLOYER 3 as they alreaddy go in th hall liaoo . Thankd they haven start .l Then when we start we neva do well . But we start the preview we dance and the problem is we haven learn the new dance ! And many people neva come . Everyone need to do a partt if not .... haiis Then second preview we do even better !! Good job guys !! Then when we finishh everything, we all walk to meet at control station then my dadyy call me and scold me lor. wHAT the hell ii also never do anything wrong !! ii am super sadd and i cryy !!Really thinking for leaving the house !! in train, ii sms jie xiang i tell him cos he talking to other people so dun wan talk to him ! Then he come find me and talk to him ! Thanks to girlss and jie xiang, and GUYS talking to me nicly and make me laughh ! Annd then ZACK ,, WEI MEING,, KEZIA,, JOLINE WE ALL GO home together , we sent Kezia home liao then send me home . Then they go home nor . Realy thanks to themm !! Great to have uu all !! My brother at my house andd think tmr i not going for the vertical maraton ! Cos if ii go then no one accompanny my brotherr !! Sorry i cant accompanyy uu all !!