
By Unknown - May 23, 2007

This is ZACK !!

Yu .. Wei meing , ANd kenneth..( u stuipdd old man )

Me and Jo-ann .. So lame !!

Jo-ann and iii
( sweet right )

Darm Big and Long ...
Today morning . i 4 get to wake up . Because i m super tired .Then luckily edward call me wake up if not sure late for school de. Today we go school not studying but outing .Visit a lot of place . Is supper intersteding . So lame lar joa-nn nor . We do stupid thing . Cos storyy .. Cool !! Thanks Mr Patrica > Tell me a lot of thing and ii really learnt a lot . Thanks ! after Trip , me and jo-ann inside the school bus fall alseep , n i m super tireedd . After we reach school ,, me and jo-ann we went canteen buy food and eat beacause hungryy . Then after that we go take bus go Jurong Church !! Then when i sleep half-way i heard got Guys sound darm loud and i cant sleep nor /. So i wake up and stare at the guys they are from ITE !! then i tell jo-ann they darm noise . And i tired to sleep again but i cant . But cool that they finaallly borad down the bus . Then we continue sleep .Then when we reach , we bought Dumpling and another thing but i dun noe what to say .. Then we take bus to church then we eat . Then we also dance and a guy from O SCHOOL come teach us then i think is XUE LI like him nor . That guy is cool . maybe that xue li type !! hahhahahs . Then we dancer all improve a lott . Darm happyy !!\And today the ITE Laugh at us and we do better then them norr .. WHATEVER !! Then after finshing dancing we all went home by mrt then i chase wei mieng cos he play my name !! Lolss. Then in bus ,, ZACK was comparing his Rake with mine ! But at last i win him hahahahs . Stupiiidd kenneth say me !! U stuipd old man !!Realy is darm fun nor !! And i take quite a lot of picture . When we reach cck . wei mieng paii me at south view primary there . Then i was walkinng alone , i darm scare cos got people follow me. Luckily god protect me and i walk fast . iF nt i die liaoo !! good nite i going slp liaoo. Tmr is me and my bf 11 month liaoo ")

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