By Unknown - May 04, 2007

Today after school. me , edward, jun wen ,wen long, wee soon, xu de, leonard ,we siong we all go back together . I alone take bus home.Then i go home bath liaoo then i go meet xu de at SOUTH view LRT !! so after meeting him , me and xu de went to lot one wait for wen long they all nor. OHH MAN !1 they darm long lorr. slow like a pig . Waitied them for about 15 min . U all not paii seii ar let a girl wait for u all lorrr. Darm boring . after that we all went to Lot one KFC buy thing go yeww tee there eat nor. hahahas. We all went to play pool !! So darm fun !! Enjoyy my self as seldom go out with my stead ann my bros . haahhahas. Around 8.30 pm we went to take bus 307 to lot one . Then i saw TENG FOO WU !! then i just say that e bro noe who william mahh . then when they borad now the bus , one of e fucking guy say wee long . ohh maN! Then at first we do nothing wrong then they must find trouble . LAME RIGHT ?? then afterward we dun care them and we went to arcade to play game norr. after that i need to go home mahh . then theyy aall go my hous edownstair ..Then they say got one girl come . then a group of COWARD come talk to my freenn and bf . Lot of thing larr. Those people who did wrong , those who start to create trouble are coward!! I TELL YOU DUN THINK YRS PEOPLE MANY II CARE LARR. USE YR BRAIN THINK LARR. NOW WHAT YRS ALREADYY TIILLL GANG !! OHH MINE !! LAME .I DUN CARE WHO ARE UU ALL LARR. JUST DUN ACT TOO MUCHH . you all think yr frenn treat u all as bro one day police come they will all say u are e one who start firstt .. neva mindd since is over is over . now still got pple want to find me troublee !! LAME SHIT !!