By Unknown - May 08, 2007
Today early morning wake up . So tired . Dun noe what happened too ! Then after i do everything i went to take bus nor. In the bus i saw Jo-anN , sUE-ANn , JEREMY !! hahhas. They super tired too cos thy sleepp in the bus . Then ii LONELY . hahhas. kidding larr !1 Then when i reach liao , Edward haven reachh . Then i was sitting there waiting for edward ,. Suddenely a girl from assumption english tell me that izzit the car belong to MR RAJ (DM) then i say yes . BY the time i want to go off . He Horm the car nor . Then i jus no choice but to go Up the slope . But i sms edward that i wait for him at the slope nor >> Then after that i meet until him we walk slowly to school. And we took our BREAKFAST TOO !! nice nice ! Then after that lessoon nor r . !!
Something happened
tOday maths lEsoon . Malay guy ( Khail .. Ariff) keep disturing XU DE . then he darm hot liao. then somemore Haswani shout and ask him SHUT UP ! then he more hot . Then like that they quarrel . Then after that while i try to stop them . I injure My self . haiis red red liao . Lol. Then stephh and ii go report MR TEO cos he today morning talk to us that if anything happened must tell him wor.r Haiis then ARIFF never amdit nor . lame . then after that i think is not totally xu de fault cos if they never disture him will this happened !! Haiis. From today onward , he is not allow to come in OUR maths leesoon anymore !!
tHEN after school . i went home with edward they all . I went to BUKIT BATOK first . I went to meet people liao then i went popular nor. OHH MAN !! ii try to look for my thing then i cat find then i ask the guy there and he say he dun noe . hAiss . then i just walk out of the shop .Then afterward me and edward walk in westmall looking for MOTHER DAY present nor. I want to buy . Not today but think Friday cos i m free !! After shoopping , we went to buy ROJAK !! Then i went edward house eat norr . Watch funny videoo . Super fuunnyy !1 At night then i go back home . .Then was having headachh !!\Pain !! THEN i go do my PRAYER LIST !!\ For W 378 !! I went bathhhh .. EAT !! >