Today morning . i super tiredd so i dun wan wake up and ii need to go school cos need to take report card . Then i sleep until 11 plus then wake up do all my thing liao then i go to take bus to school . EDward meet me at school bus-stop and my whole body was in pain !! then ii just try nt to make until my hand .Then i take bus go school bus-stop then i wait for edward lor. So long . Then i super hot also ..I wearin uniform . Then when edward reachh i wake up the slope with him half-way angela in the cab and she ask me in . Then we reachh school say thanks to her ") then i take my result super badd .. Get 11th in class . so sadd . tHne after that me and jo-ann take bus to cck then go mac eat . Then meet kezia . we all go buy thing at lot one .Then around 2.15 we meet shi hui , felicia they all at jurong east Mrt there . Then see unti;l jie xiang sure meeting geraline de. ") Nvm who cares since he think she iis good to share problem with ") i happy for him !! Then after that when everyone reachh we all left firstt . when we reach expo. we pratcie dance nor ") YEAHH xue li improve ") And i now dunnoe why i start to dun be with ger cos ............ When our preivew we done a great job and also michella put make up for me iis nice . And today jie xiang talk to me but i just hack care hiim .he make me lost the truse in him .. haiis 4 get about it . Since he think she is good ") Okayy !! Today put the make-up darm nice !! Then after training , we all go eat liao go home ") Then in the train jie xiang cry ii dunnnoe whyy ?? I trust him a lot but then haiis nvm !! I also not his who why mustt i care so muchh ! Then he sms me norr .. In train i saying about Ger i also trust her so muchh But then we will never noe the person will betray u a nott ? Nvm let god decidedd. I dun wan care " Then If u wantt explain then tell me tmr !! WEST CLUSTER ROCK ALL THE BEST TMR !!
Today morning . super tiredd.Then ii was sleeping so cool and my sister come in my room and make my bro and me wake-up but i dun care i just went back to sleep cos super tiredd !Then around 10 plus i wake and switch on the computer. Cos I want to online mah ! Then ii 11 plus go bath liao then go meet wei meing at south view lrt then go meet kezia at lot one ! Then while waiting for Jo-ann and Geraline ! we went to shop shop first ! Then dunnoe what time Ger with her mum and sister come up with her nor ")Then after that we went to Mac lor cos still must wait for Jo-ann mah !! HAHAHAHS ! at last she reachh then we go take mrt to expo . cooll then got movie to see ") Then when we reachh me and jo-ann go FOOD FAIR then kezia they all go Hall and pratcice firstt . Then jo-ann bought a lot of thing . Really thanks her cos my daddy neva give me moneyy !Then after buying we went to hall9 to search for them . Super darm hot dance for a while also hot until like hell ")Then we eat and have a lot of sweal ! Dunnoe what time YONG ZI come liao . Aiyoo he make me so ma LOO.aIYOO HE My sister liao . Thanks him for teaching us the steps !! And also the step iis nice de "0 .. Afew min later xue li come already then we all learnt together lor. tHEN dunnoe when we move to hall 8 liao then Move to hall 7 . Then ERIC come liao then he want us to show him !! Then after that ERIC want me to be at the centre and solo. OHH ii was so scare but then i will pratice hard de. ") Things happenedd a lot todayy . Stupiidd Demon in JESUS NAME out of WEST CLUSTER right now !! OUT ! OUT! then after that 8 plus got this guy from south cluster told us to leave the hall . So okay we leave and we go to floyer 3 and dance and i teach xue li lor. hahahas. Then after a while think Kneeth say that the expo people say e cannot dance at floyer three. So we need to go , And before we go we pray firstt !! Then after that we all today go home / Then me and jo-ann in the mrt talking about the thing we happenedd . Then friendshipp "") Lots larr ") Happy that we slove it !! Then when we reach Jurong east WEELI ( dunnoe hw to spell ) called us if we wannt go Entrainment eat a nnot ? then we all go lor . Eatt KFC !!We darm niosey in KFC . people looking at us !! ") Jie xiang is in a bad mood . Lots of thing happenedd to him . === Let him find a girlfriend that can care about him and he have a lover in mind = Then ii got talk to himm !!He my kor no matter what . now and 4 ever !! After eating we all take mrt home . Guess what ?/ when we reach kezia house there she found out that her key is with shi hui . So she meeting shi hui . then Kezia , Zack , yu xian and i we all walk to cck mrt crt statiomn . Then we saw a two couple . Then one of the guy was smoking then kezia and i look at him . then i think the girl frenn say " got this two girl look " THEN i say " Then cannot look dun look larr" Crazyy people are like tat . jUst treat them as crazyy people can liao !!Then we just walk awaayy !1 Then we go Kezia house the playground there . Within a few min angeline called and she going reachh and she meet kezia !Then me , zack and yu xian we send her home liao then they two send me home . Thanks guys !! super tiredd.
NO matter what u are my kor . Dun be so selfish in what u do ! Can u be real to me !! Just ... haiiss ...
Tmr got train slp earlyy ") good nite
NO matter what u are my kor . Dun be so selfish in what u do ! Can u be real to me !! Just ... haiiss ...
Tmr got train slp earlyy ") good nite
Morning wake up ii m super tiredd. and my body dun wan wake up and ii tell myself to wake up because i m hungry for god words. So i faster wake up and go bath all this then i call edward wake up lor. Then i go make up all this liao then ii mmet sue-an at lot one mrt control station because jo-ann forget to bring her USHER tag lor. :0 THenduring service i super tired but i tell myself not to slp nor !! Then after service my Cg member nt free so i join Xiao weii cg go eat ! Then at floyer three ii meet until felicia so I join her cos xiao wei cg going to changi to eat then me anf felicia go FOOD FAIR eat . Then we buy a lot of thing . Eat eat eat . Then after buying right , me and felicia went to find a place to sit ! Then there was a guy taking picture of a group of girl and i though they are couple or frenn . Then after that i reliase iis nt . So a bit weird liao .So i keep looking at there guy and ii tell felicia too . And that guy come to my drection and ii saw him taking picture . Then he noe i talking about him and he walk away . Better dun let me see him agaiin. Then after that we walk to floyer 3 to sleep and then jo=-ann come and join us . And there Got a girl and a guy was talking about church thing ,. anD the girl playing and laugh at Pastor kong name ii was darm angryy . Ohh man !This kind of people dun noe what to say . haauuss. Then dunnoe what time me jo-ann felicia go join west cluster ,, dance all this noe ! Tired but happyy !! ") Then after practice me , angeline,jo-ann , felicia , kezia , joiline we all go FOOD FAIR buy thing . Jo-ann bought $6 for a plate of ice Fruit !! ") Darm expensive !! Hahshs ! afterv that we take mrt home !! Thanks joiline accompany me to my house downstair!!! ")
Today early morning,, I wake up quite late really super tiredd and my brother called me wake up but i dun care him ! WEnjoy my sleep . Then i around 11 plus wake up and i never go Veritical marton . But i wan go but my brother at my house and ii need to accompany them !! Darm sadd ! Then haiis i sms jo-ann and ask got win mahh ? U noe what ? she say she and angeline never join ! OHH MAN ! then jie xiang i sms him and then he say he ltr reply me lor. Then iii sleeep for a while wake up brush teeth all this liao . then i play internet then wait for my anunt to buy rice > Then i eat nor !! Chicken rice ii long time neva eat the tecj whye chicken rice liao. Then after eating i play compuet nor at home so borinng ? Then ii play msn game wif my Lao gong edward . Super fun and then he keep winning and i lose a lot worr. Pig worr .. Then play until half-way ii off computer and i sleepp .. sleepp .. until dunnioe what time wake up play computer then ii sleep till my daddy come back . And then i go bath cos today got POP . do u noe what does it mean pass out parade !! Then after bathing i went to Bukit panjang to meet geok teng liao then go school together !! hahahahs ! When we reach school .. a lot of people but then must waitt and i super hungryy ! So must waitt mmmm. Guess what the sec 3 sec 2 and sec 1 give us !! Cards and Bottle !1 Thanks guys ! So happyy .. really enjoy todayy !!
Me & Jo-ann& Keziia 
Today morning , Then i super tiredd so i contiune sleep then edward called me and i tell him that i want to continue to sleep dun wan go school . then after thatt i sms my daddy that I dun wan go school can ? He reply say can ! So happy then i continue sleepp until 11 plus . BUt then i wake up but till verii tiredd ! But i wake up do all my thing liao then i on laptop play lorr. uNtillll, dun noe what time i chat with Kezia then i msn her that can i go her house early cos ii dun be at home ! Cos my STEP-MOTHER ( II SUPERR HATE HER ) but god say hate your Enermy !!Haiisss. Then i faster go bath and walk to Kezia house . Then me was wearing POS dance customer ! Then nice mann ! Then when i reach her house i use her com and watchh YOUTUBE !! gANGSTER show . dARm touchh !! ") Then Kezia sleep . Until time up i call her ,, bath liao then we go lot one norr. Then JO-ann help kezia buy thingg ! Then me and kezia go buy Bra strip for felicia norr !! Then we all meet at jurong . Luckily we nt so late reachh ") On time . Then we go food fair and eat thing . Then we buyt hing eat . I wann to thanks JO-ANN ,, FELICIAA for the treatt ") then today ii no money cos my daddy also no moneyy . thenn after eating we walk fast fast to FLOYER 3 as they alreaddy go in th hall liaoo . Thankd they haven start .l Then when we start we neva do well . But we start the preview we dance and the problem is we haven learn the new dance ! And many people neva come . Everyone need to do a partt if not .... haiis Then second preview we do even better !! Good job guys !! Then when we finishh everything, we all walk to meet at control station then my dadyy call me and scold me lor. wHAT the hell ii also never do anything wrong !! ii am super sadd and i cryy !!Really thinking for leaving the house !! in train, ii sms jie xiang i tell him cos he talking to other people so dun wan talk to him ! Then he come find me and talk to him ! Thanks to girlss and jie xiang, and GUYS talking to me nicly and make me laughh ! Annd then ZACK ,, WEI MEING,, KEZIA,, JOLINE WE ALL GO home together , we sent Kezia home liao then send me home . Then they go home nor . Realy thanks to themm !! Great to have uu all !! My brother at my house andd think tmr i not going for the vertical maraton ! Cos if ii go then no one accompanny my brotherr !! Sorry i cant accompanyy uu all !!

Today morning , Then i super tiredd so i contiune sleep then edward called me and i tell him that i want to continue to sleep dun wan go school . then after thatt i sms my daddy that I dun wan go school can ? He reply say can ! So happy then i continue sleepp until 11 plus . BUt then i wake up but till verii tiredd ! But i wake up do all my thing liao then i on laptop play lorr. uNtillll, dun noe what time i chat with Kezia then i msn her that can i go her house early cos ii dun be at home ! Cos my STEP-MOTHER ( II SUPERR HATE HER ) but god say hate your Enermy !!Haiisss. Then i faster go bath and walk to Kezia house . Then me was wearing POS dance customer ! Then nice mann ! Then when i reach her house i use her com and watchh YOUTUBE !! gANGSTER show . dARm touchh !! ") Then Kezia sleep . Until time up i call her ,, bath liao then we go lot one norr. Then JO-ann help kezia buy thingg ! Then me and kezia go buy Bra strip for felicia norr !! Then we all meet at jurong . Luckily we nt so late reachh ") On time . Then we go food fair and eat thing . Then we buyt hing eat . I wann to thanks JO-ANN ,, FELICIAA for the treatt ") then today ii no money cos my daddy also no moneyy . thenn after eating we walk fast fast to FLOYER 3 as they alreaddy go in th hall liaoo . Thankd they haven start .l Then when we start we neva do well . But we start the preview we dance and the problem is we haven learn the new dance ! And many people neva come . Everyone need to do a partt if not .... haiis Then second preview we do even better !! Good job guys !! Then when we finishh everything, we all walk to meet at control station then my dadyy call me and scold me lor. wHAT the hell ii also never do anything wrong !! ii am super sadd and i cryy !!Really thinking for leaving the house !! in train, ii sms jie xiang i tell him cos he talking to other people so dun wan talk to him ! Then he come find me and talk to him ! Thanks to girlss and jie xiang, and GUYS talking to me nicly and make me laughh ! Annd then ZACK ,, WEI MEING,, KEZIA,, JOLINE WE ALL GO home together , we sent Kezia home liao then send me home . Then they go home nor . Realy thanks to themm !! Great to have uu all !! My brother at my house andd think tmr i not going for the vertical maraton ! Cos if ii go then no one accompanny my brotherr !! Sorry i cant accompanyy uu all !!
Today ealr iin morning, i dun feel like waking up ! Then i sleep until 6.16 wake up . Really darm lazy to wake up . Then mm i force myself to wake up then i quickly do all my thing then prayy . Cos still fasting ! Then i walk slowly to Bus-stop and i miss a bus . Then i waitt along darm siian OHH MAN ! i forget something . i forget to bring short! Then i sms jo-ann but then she reply that she dun have extra so i decided after school ii go home change !Then in the bus , i superr tiredd and i wan to sleep but cannot ohh my ! But i tiredd Then i try to open Big my eyes ! Then i finally reach Bus-stop i saw Edward at there wait for me liao . Then thanks to him taking my things . Heex ! then we go eat breakfast then i give the Card to Mr Raj to sign . hahahs. then todayy IN school darm boring . Cant waitt to go POS training. Then after school , edward and me go home by taking bus he go His sis house thenn i go home change nor . Then i go bath all this liao then go meet kezia take cab to jo-ann hse to school then expo . Luckily we are nt LATE ! Then we quickly went to pratcie then we waitt for xue li then can use the Stage cos we are late ohh man ! And xue li they all say that they went to buy thing that why late ??tHEN nvm lor. Then on the stage we never do so well , but after mre pratice ,. we got improve ! So happy !!Then after that Jo-ann want to eat mahh ? so we all are think of going to Burger King> Me , felicia, jo-ann and kezia nor , Then when we reach there its CLOSED !! hahahas. then we walk back to Expo mrt station then at 7-11 SEE until the rest of them ,. And kezia say he coming to my hse. Then Kezia called her sister but her sister say that she cannot go my hse but to gofind her sis . So too bad nor ") then she borad now at city hall . Then darm siian and tiredd. Me and jo-ann go Mac eat then felicia go home . Then at last Kezia come meet us then she got go my hse .. After eating we paii jo--ann bus intercharge until her bus come then we go ") . Kezia walk home with me nor. I PLay computer then she sleep until her sister call nor ") Then she sister call then i bring her to 190 bus-stop to waitn for her sis . ") Then i wlk home alone .. ")
Today early in the morning . I did not wake up and luckily Edward call me and i wake up rushing nor !! Then i faster do all my thing and faster walk to bUs -stop to take bus nor . Then today me and edward iis 11 mth together . Then in schhool get back result nor .. English pass ! Maths Fail ! Chinese Pass !! Eoa pass !! Cpa pass !! Art ALSO pass !! Thanks god for the result even though iis nt quite good ") Then after school ,, I stay back to see MR tan for morning reflection ! Then Jo-ann go First and she wait me at Jurong Point thanks ") Then in bus, i was sleeping , super tiredd !! And pig edward call me and i cant sleep back liao . Then he pai me talk on the phone until i meet jo-ann !! Then she buy Dumpling nor . Then i buy the grreen ( dunnoe what is that ) But is nice !! We take bus go church ! We reach there eat liao change liao then we all go Dance . Is super tiredd !! Half-way training,, my mum called me And say about my Brother again ! I really cant take it . I came from a broken family ! And why a lot of thing hapening to Me ! Then i cant take it and i CRY ! the jia xiang and felicia notice i cry only . But i wannted to tell jo-ann but then haiis .. Then ii just keep to myself and stay strong ! But after training,, ii go meet jia xiang and share my problem with himm .. He haiis !! BUt thanks worr. Then also wan thanks Jo-ann , kezia and felicia fr waiting for me for SOO LONG !! paii seii !1 Then after that we went to coffee shop and eat . I eat fires only then felicia and jo-ann eat mee ! ( DUNNOE HOW TO SAY IN ENGLISHH )) then jo-ann found hair then i ask her go change ! Luckily ii see it if not eeeee !! hahhahas. Then she go change nor ... After eating , we sing song andd disture Kezia . Really have fun .
( sweet right )
Today morning . i 4 get to wake up . Because i m super tired .Then luckily edward call me wake up if not sure late for school de. Today we go school not studying but outing .Visit a lot of place . Is supper intersteding . So lame lar joa-nn nor . We do stupid thing . Cos storyy .. Cool !! Thanks Mr Patrica > Tell me a lot of thing and ii really learnt a lot . Thanks ! after Trip , me and jo-ann inside the school bus fall alseep , n i m super tireedd . After we reach school ,, me and jo-ann we went canteen buy food and eat beacause hungryy . Then after that we go take bus go Jurong Church !! Then when i sleep half-way i heard got Guys sound darm loud and i cant sleep nor /. So i wake up and stare at the guys they are from ITE !! then i tell jo-ann they darm noise . And i tired to sleep again but i cant . But cool that they finaallly borad down the bus . Then we continue sleep .Then when we reach , we bought Dumpling and another thing but i dun noe what to say .. Then we take bus to church then we eat . Then we also dance and a guy from O SCHOOL come teach us then i think is XUE LI like him nor . That guy is cool . maybe that xue li type !! hahhahahs . Then we dancer all improve a lott . Darm happyy !!\And today the ITE Laugh at us and we do better then them norr .. WHATEVER !! Then after finshing dancing we all went home by mrt then i chase wei mieng cos he play my name !! Lolss. Then in bus ,, ZACK was comparing his Rake with mine ! But at last i win him hahahahs . Stupiiidd kenneth say me !! U stuipd old man !!Realy is darm fun nor !! And i take quite a lot of picture . When we reach cck . wei mieng paii me at south view primary there . Then i was walkinng alone , i darm scare cos got people follow me. Luckily god protect me and i walk fast . iF nt i die liaoo !! good nite i going slp liaoo. Tmr is me and my bf 11 month liaoo ")
Today in the morning . Edward call me lor. Then he tell me he maybe not coming to school because his mother landed in the hospital ! Oh man why does this kind of thing happened ? My family also got problem ? really dunnoe what to do ??Then i m sad too . and i told him that he come school then after school we go see his mother nor . But at last he still got come school after we quarell ! So lame ! Then i super angry and tiredd ! Cos yest got preview and eat also till quite late !! Then i alone sit bus to school walk up the slop alone . So sadd !1 Then when i reach school , i bought only water and drink cos fast mah . Then today we get our result . 74/100 so happy . But i should derserve one more mark cos is teacher tell us the wrong answer . SHIT !! Then my maths FAIL ! haiis . Then heard from sue-ann my chinese pass !! My english pass tOO . bUT never did so well . sad sad !! I will do my best the next examm . I dun believe i m stupiid ! ") Then after school . me and edward go buy thing eat liao then go home nor . In the hall wao he keep bully me and i hit him back . I m sorry that i say something that hurt u deeply .. PAII seii . Then i at home doing nothing so siaina ...
Today really super tired . Then morning . I wake up thanks to jo-ann and edward for calling me wake up . Then i faster go bath all this lor. Siian super tiredd. Then i faster go cck meetjo-ann then sk call me say that he be late . tHen afterward say he not fetching us cos edward a bit late . Then me and jo-ann a bit nt hapy larr . Stupiidd . Then nvm mind . Jia xiang also got with us and shi hong nor . In train so boring . Aiyoo . I jnow in school blogging nor . Then when we reach Tanah merah i did not know reach liao. Luckily jo-ann heard it if nt die liao nor . HAHas . when we reach expo we walk to expo hall 8 . i walk darm fast cos i also dun noe why . Then service start then cool ./ but i m super tired and i try nt to sleep . Then after service we celebrate Adeline birthday . HAhass . She 21 years old liao. Then luckily yest i gt time buy present for her . if nt i die die . hahahs. :) Then after service me and jo-ann went to buy drink . cos after that got prayer meeting . Then in prayer meeting at first i darm boring. Then when i continue to pray . i m not tired and i keep continue praying ,. Then the most intersting is edward cry wor !! COOL !! then after prayer meeting , edward go home nor . Then me jo-ann go floyer 3 wait for WEST CLUSTER !! Then we got preview . hahahs,. fun and its okay . But we got a lot to improve do come support us west cluster ! Then after that .. i make until jie xiang spect ! SORRY WOR !! then after that me, angeline,felicia, jo-ann we all go eat Burger King liao. Then we take mrt go home !! When we in the train . We tok a lot. WE laugh like hell . Even the train people laugh !! Then got people say we crazyy . We laugh non-stop. When we reach cck . Me amd kezia board down . Then got one group of guys say we laugh non-stop . haahahhs . After that i alone go home . and i say bye bye to kiki !! Thank sis i have enjoy my day today very muchh !!
Today Early morning really early wake up cos got TRACK AND FIELD ! me , jo-ann , jocelyn, jie xiang, yi long, zAck, yu xian, Usher and Kezia we all meet at Mac at bukit batok and some of them eat there nor . hhahaas. bUt I neva eat . really no money liao nor .Then we seat there wait for eveyone to reach liao then go lor. Tell u wei mieng too ! he darm lame .Then we went to take bus . in the bus we talk and say lots of story andd i keep making Jie xiang cos nothing to do. then when we reach we all go find the place nor . Then before we girls run we did pray to god ! Cool. everything we do put god first . Cos without god we cant do things good ! Then 100m i lose , Then When is about 4times100 . Is my group .. Jo-ann . Kezia and other girl nor . Cool run fast . I the first runner darm hot weather ! GUESS WHAT ? we get second . So happy nor . Thanks god for answing our prayer . Thanks god ! Then afterward we rush now to cg meeting at tampinese . We take taxi . Thanks jo-ann . tHen we Hungry and we went to our cgl house find thing eat Thanks gladys too . Then we after that we all take taxi to service nor . Then in service super tiredd . Luckily never fall alseep / Then i went back with jo-ann and jia xing nor . i feell bad bully him ! I SO SORRYY !! for give ? okayy hahahhas. everyone is tired . Go hm sleep tmr got POS Perview and service . Prayer meeting . Cool !
Wao Today is POS training again ! Cool man ! Then i wake up very early i also dun noe why , and i am super tired de. So i just wake up nor . Then on computer , do all my thing( brush teeth ) hahhahas !! Online chatting . Darm boring cos not many people online mah ! I doing adeline card liao then i fall asleep and i suppose to meet jo-ann hahhas. Then she meet me at cck lift there nor ! paii seii .. Then i quickly go to cck station . So tiredd . Cos this week got training 2pm to 10pm . But i do this for GOD ! Then me and jo-ann buy OLD CHANG YU ! i dun noe hw to spell / ANd we went to church buy drink and talk nor . Practice hard worr. Ohh man JIE XIANG today come . so fuunnny him ! Then we dance , cheer nor . Tmr me and jo-ann Join ( Track and field,, 100m ,, 4 times 100,, long jump .) no choice but to go for long jump > > hahahhs . After that we went main adui ! OHH man today our west cluster a lot of people neva come . so sad . haiis . but our trainning still go on . So funny and tiredd ! really enjoy myself ! then after training . we all went to take bus and train together . Then i asking anyone who wannt go eat . So David . Jie xiang, yu xian and zack pai me go eat . Thanks Bros ! Then we eat mac . Darm funny say a lot of thing . Jie xiang gal gal . Then david send me home cos he lived near my blk . Thankd Bro. Then i go home norr . hahahahahahs s.. good nite eveyone and i tmr still got lots of thing to do . tc !
Morning wake up . Super tired . Yest got POS until 10pm then i sleep quite late nor .Then Jo-ann and my Dear Edwrad called me wake-up . Thanks to them ! Then i sleep until 6.10 then faster wake up do my thing liao then go take bus . In the bus i feel very tired and like going to fall a sick ! Then i sms edward haiis i must go up school mayself because he say he might be late . So i alone go nor ! So boring and i went to buy coffee so that i will not fall asleep . But that does not help me wor i till feeling like sleeping. When we going o start our exam . i already nt feeling gd . very headach .Then i tell u the paper darm STupiidd and teacher nt fair he tell 4/5 the answer the days before the paper . But we nehh ?? teacher called us do ourself ! wt >> HAIIS . After exam . There is a break then ii never eat nor . smsing and reading Ghost story book nor ..Then stupid edward keep saying me wanna to eat or drink mahh for about 6 times . haiis nagging !! LIKe my grandmother . Then i neva care him and i went to EOA practic! Quite easy and i finish fats that why boring ! .... After exam go library liao then i alone go look for MS TAN , cos me and my friend going to do morning refention( dun noe hw to spell) . so scaryy !! A lot nor . i went home taking 190 thanks to felicia that accompany talk on the phone ! :) When i reach home i switch on com and rest a well then bath . Ohh man stll need to think what to wear !! So i decided what to wear lioao ! Meet jo-ann at cck nor . then we meet felicia then wee all go JURONG POINT buy tube bra and tight ! So expensive i haven buy yet . Must save money no money liao !! So shit ! NVM ! my time iis no yet come . after buying we went to take bus to Cofee shop opposite church to buy rice and i cant finish it .sO i stop eating . and i drink too much bubble tea ! Then we train train train .. Is good larr !! Stuppiid things happened when we are at the MAIN ADIU ! HAIss i dun wan mention here in case someones see it ! But i noe no one is perfectt ! :) i will 4 give and forget de. Jo-ann .. u now with bf and i remember u did tell me that u will find friend important then stead right ? then yest pai him never talk to me ?? kidding > .So remember what u say to me what when i stead with edward? U think now ?? and think will it happened in uu too !! :) just wann tell uu that . MmM. O offence! Thanks for encourage me !!
Haha. tOday No school ! so happy . then in the morning i online then chat with jo-ann asking her what time meet ?? Then we meet felicia too !! Thenn we went to office opposite church and buy rice and eat ! IS cheap but more rice then meet !! Going fat mahh ! THen saw shi hui nor . Then we do a lot of things . And we go for POS mahh ! WEST CLUSTER rocks ! We are darm high . this year we must do veryy well ! Then i veri tired and tmr also got exam . Hahahahs,. We train hard . Then around 7pm we use the Main adui . We dance norr. my leg paii siaoo . Got blue black ! so PAIN !! darm fun nor . Training start 3pm to 10pm . tmr still got . but i enjoy it a lot. at night i went home alone . I was darm scared cos my house there usually veri quiet de. Then i quickly walk home when i going reach home felicia called me and we chat on the phone . And we paryer too . Thanks felicia teching me alot of things that can change my life . Thanks
Early in the morning , Then i wake up online and i eat a lot of thing . So boring cos not so many people online ! Then i just blogging nor . After that chat with angeline , jo-ann nor ! Then dun noe what time angeline say boring then she ask if i want to go her house then i ask jo-ann if she want to go mah ! Then she say now cannot cos her mum at home . So never mind i later meeting jo-ann then go find angeline . hahahas. So i at home doing nothing . so boring . ohh man ! Afterward think about 12 plus i go meet jo-ann then we go BOON LAY together . Then when we walk to the bus incharge . we decided not to go her house and just stay at jurong point . so We called angeline and they her we meet her at jurong point better ! Then me and jo-ann go shopping . Do a lot of crazy thing . And we eat mac ! U noe what she buy liao fries dunwan eat . So i alone eat ! hahahs thanks jo-ann . Then when we meet until angeline we go walk walk then we go church ! When we reach church we striaght go rm5 i think hahahs . For pos !! YEAHH WEST CLUSTER ! We partice hard . Dancers all the best !! after practice we went eat our FAVOURITE !! after eating me , jo-ann,angeline,felicia and jocelyn ! we went jurong point buy tube nor. I hab no money liao and still got a lot of thing to pay ! HAiis. ....
Sometime bad happened lar . when i reach home . i do my quiet time ! after that i online and i in msn chat with joann ! asking her what happened to her just now ? FACE SO BLACK ?? Haiis . cos i sayin jian xing they all . From today onward whatever thing i shall keep to myself and SHUT UP MY MOUTH ! if not things will turn bad . That my character ! It needs time to change ! NVM what i say pple will nt believe me > whatever that my way . Need dun wan talk so muchh .. KEEP MY MOUTH SHUT !!
Sometime bad happened lar . when i reach home . i do my quiet time ! after that i online and i in msn chat with joann ! asking her what happened to her just now ? FACE SO BLACK ?? Haiis . cos i sayin jian xing they all . From today onward whatever thing i shall keep to myself and SHUT UP MY MOUTH ! if not things will turn bad . That my character ! It needs time to change ! NVM what i say pple will nt believe me > whatever that my way . Need dun wan talk so muchh .. KEEP MY MOUTH SHUT !!
Today Early Morning i Wake up . Then i Very tired because I yestersday night i study very late . Then after i do everything i went to take bus . And I miss one bus Pig siao . But thanks god the next bus come in within 5 mins ! COOL ! IF nt i going to be late . Then when i reach school-bus-stop ,, I saw edward wao he so early because everythime he is not so early . Then we slowly go school .When we reach school, we eat our breakfast !! NICE !! Afetr that we went parade square . Cool that today not silent reading . Then we all went back to class for our maths exam ~!! Ohh man !! is DARm diffcult . I have not confident in it ! Haiis sOo Scared Fail ! But Can cfm Fail . Paper 1 OKAyy ! I did not finsh doing my paper I left 5 question Blank cos i no time to complete . After maths exam . is recess !! We went to eat ! Then today JUN WEN birthday ! And i eating Ice ! I shoot it on Jun wen ! then LEONARD shoot it at jeremy !! then he Say all the BACKWORDS !! tHEN second time , he stand up and say " if not happy go out settle lar " and leonard did admit that he is the one who Did it . Then KPO JIAN XING say E person who shoot" the mother ......." so bad right ? Then i stand up and say him larr . He also dun like people scold his PARENT then why must he scold the parent ! LOL ! tHEN he nothing to say ! Who cares ! I hate people who play parent name ! SO COWARD !! Complaint i also nt scare de . then after that jun wen we all walk pass THEM( JIAN XING , JERMEYY .. JO-ANN STPEHH THEY ALL . then i say him ! I dun care what they say about me ! WHATEVER !!
In class . JERMEY STIILL say if not happy outside settle . He think he can win Jun wen they all . If he want he also ask jian xing help de . Haiiss ./ Thnk before u talk ! Then I tell jo-ann evertthing then Stephanie ask me what happened . I tell her what happened tOo !! When the art exam start . I have diffculty for Drawing my art hand . But i never give up and i finally i can draw ! Cool. But the thing is the colour . HAHAHS. i anyhow mix until darm Ugly ! So i must called for help ! I gt ask jo-ann Thanks for her help > Then Finally thanks to stephh that she gt the colour i want . Then i finsh all niclyy !! ;)
After exam . I with edward go His sister house . Then Jian xing sms me to return Him Money ! And i tell him i got pay him and he say NO ! what the .. tHEN he dun believe then dun believe nor . NVM ! Just give him the money for CHARITY!! i m okay with it !! Whatever !!
In class . JERMEY STIILL say if not happy outside settle . He think he can win Jun wen they all . If he want he also ask jian xing help de . Haiiss ./ Thnk before u talk ! Then I tell jo-ann evertthing then Stephanie ask me what happened . I tell her what happened tOo !! When the art exam start . I have diffculty for Drawing my art hand . But i never give up and i finally i can draw ! Cool. But the thing is the colour . HAHAHS. i anyhow mix until darm Ugly ! So i must called for help ! I gt ask jo-ann Thanks for her help > Then Finally thanks to stephh that she gt the colour i want . Then i finsh all niclyy !! ;)
After exam . I with edward go His sister house . Then Jian xing sms me to return Him Money ! And i tell him i got pay him and he say NO ! what the .. tHEN he dun believe then dun believe nor . NVM ! Just give him the money for CHARITY!! i m okay with it !! Whatever !!
On the way back Home
Today Ealry morning . Wake up at 7 pm . Super tired . Because yesterday after service reach home about 10 pm then online a while then sleep . Then i wake up liao i called edward mah he darm pig lar . Call 1000 times also never pick up the phone . TheN 7.15 I go bath and i keep caling him while i m bathing . So i decided to call his mother and his mother called him wake up . Then finally he wake up and i ask him to go bath all this . Ohh man ! I dun noe what to wear so i anyhow wear go . Then i went cck there buy bread for breakfast nor and sweets too . pEOPLE keep looking at me and i think is very ugly that what i wore . So i decided to go home change. And i sweat like Running water . Then i go home wear skirt with white nice nice top. Cool ! So happy that i can wear nice nice go CHURCHH !! Then i quickly went Take mrt . Luckily I m TOO late ! HAHHAAH i got tell sk . Cos he driving me and EDward go churchh . Then in the car . Me , Edward eating . Sk too ! Then when we are at bukit timah road tHERE !! Suddenly Got two cyclist On the middle of left and Is their wrong . So sk Horn Them ! Do u noe what they do ? They point middle finger! So bad wor. Is their wrong . Sk point them back . Haiis Naughty boys . Then we just dun care . SK sOo HAPPY !!
When we reach expo, Gladys call me and she called ask to be fast . I think becos of the USHER !! Haiis when we reach we quickly seat down .... HhASH ! today saw korkor Jie Xiang . Cos long time no see ! Blen ! 10 am Service Start ! WOW ! cool service i have today !! IS really can apply in my daily life ! Afetr service , Me, edward,wei guang we all went to Floyer 3 to eat . I m hungryy . Thanks Edward help me buy . Love u ! Then after eating . Wei guang me and edward we went to take mrt home . Hahaha ,. Edward send me home . Lots of thing happened in tRain . EDWARD LIM remember u own me a lot of moneyy $10000,00000,0000.
hahhahas. So next time before speak do see my mOod first hahas . when we reach cck . we went to LOT ONE shop shop liao. Then go Home . At nite i must studyy . Bye bye i going to study now !! HAPY MOTHER DAYS !! mOTHER i love uu !!
Today Ealry morning . Wake up at 7 pm . Super tired . Because yesterday after service reach home about 10 pm then online a while then sleep . Then i wake up liao i called edward mah he darm pig lar . Call 1000 times also never pick up the phone . TheN 7.15 I go bath and i keep caling him while i m bathing . So i decided to call his mother and his mother called him wake up . Then finally he wake up and i ask him to go bath all this . Ohh man ! I dun noe what to wear so i anyhow wear go . Then i went cck there buy bread for breakfast nor and sweets too . pEOPLE keep looking at me and i think is very ugly that what i wore . So i decided to go home change. And i sweat like Running water . Then i go home wear skirt with white nice nice top. Cool ! So happy that i can wear nice nice go CHURCHH !! Then i quickly went Take mrt . Luckily I m TOO late ! HAHHAAH i got tell sk . Cos he driving me and EDward go churchh . Then in the car . Me , Edward eating . Sk too ! Then when we are at bukit timah road tHERE !! Suddenly Got two cyclist On the middle of left and Is their wrong . So sk Horn Them ! Do u noe what they do ? They point middle finger! So bad wor. Is their wrong . Sk point them back . Haiis Naughty boys . Then we just dun care . SK sOo HAPPY !!
When we reach expo, Gladys call me and she called ask to be fast . I think becos of the USHER !! Haiis when we reach we quickly seat down .... HhASH ! today saw korkor Jie Xiang . Cos long time no see ! Blen ! 10 am Service Start ! WOW ! cool service i have today !! IS really can apply in my daily life ! Afetr service , Me, edward,wei guang we all went to Floyer 3 to eat . I m hungryy . Thanks Edward help me buy . Love u ! Then after eating . Wei guang me and edward we went to take mrt home . Hahaha ,. Edward send me home . Lots of thing happened in tRain . EDWARD LIM remember u own me a lot of moneyy $10000,00000,0000.
hahhahas. So next time before speak do see my mOod first hahas . when we reach cck . we went to LOT ONE shop shop liao. Then go Home . At nite i must studyy . Bye bye i going to study now !! HAPY MOTHER DAYS !! mOTHER i love uu !!
be Early morning, I wake up and its about 7am Then a few mintues later i recieve Jo-ann sms lor. So i decided to sleep a while but i scare late so i did nt go sleep back .So i quickly Go bath liao . Pack all my things then go out to take bus 307 to CHOA CHU KANG COMPLEX ! Then when i reach i did sms jo-ann ! OHH MAN ! she is late and I dun noe . And i waited her about 15 min . She bad Girl let me and her BELOVED maid wiat for her . Haiis Then around 8 plus she reach liao. Then we went in . ANd we went to toliet to change nor ! Wao cool ? do u noe why ?? Cos i long time never go swimming . Okayy lar Cos There too many people liao then i veri diffuclt to train swimming . So i just play with water while waiting for jo-ann to swim finishh .. Guess what ? We went to Sun Ten . Cool ! Around 10 we went to bath lor. Get changing . Then I forget to bring Towe So i share with jo-ann . Thanks ! Then after that Jo-ann called her sister sue-ann to bring plastic bag to complex. And she did bring nor . Cos live very near only .After we went to yew tee meet people then afterware go bukit batok WEST MALL eat nor . darm hungryy u noe .Haiis . We went to eat Burger King . Verii fUn ! We two are liKe PIGGYYS !! smile ! After that we went to toliet liao then go SK car . He drive Me, Edward and jo-ann to Tampinese for Cell-group . Then after cell-group SK drive us again to expo for service . We all rush down . Thanks GOD we make it on time ! Then today pastor talk about a lot of thing that can apply on my daily life and can change me tOo !! After everything . we went home by taking train . Then suddenely My mother called me and talking about my brother again . HAiis i have enough of it . Really cannot take it anymore if not i will DIE ! hOPE THAT SOMEONE will share with me . Good nite ii nw must sleep liao /.
Today got maths exam . I m so scared that the paper toO Diffcult ! BuTt is not all diffcult some is give away question ! Then when we start the paper ii try to recall those Forumal ! Then i slow do my paper cos need to think mahh . And i reliase i dun have muchh time left . So i till gt 4 more question . Then i faster anyhow do . CoS I really dun noe hw to do worr. But i hope i will pass ! HAHAHAS ! can de larr :)
After exam me stpehh jo-ann we went to take bus 178 to bukit batok as jo-ann say wann to change 985 to JURONG hq !! Guees what we see in the bus ! We saw an old man with a china girl doing something behid . OHH man ,. they touching each other somemore they are nt young. Quite old !! Then we keep lauging in the bus ! sO .... hhahahs Then when we reachh bukit batok we borad down and sit bus 985 . Guess what ? the bus dun go Boon Lay de we in the wrong bus liao. So we Board down the bus and change bus to 985 nor . Then we went to take bus 178 to Boon lay then we go ask for direction ! Hhahaahs . Then the uncle say take 181 if i m not wrong . In the bus i really headach and tiredd . so Long trip !! siian !! Then when we reach i give a call to The SIR . he never pick up so we went to the Police man there to get pass in . We exchange pour card with thie pass. And Finally THE sir pick up the call and he say he will meet us at the LOBBY !! oh man we waited for him about 35 Min ! Darm long super tireeddd .. Then around 12.46 they come liao . Then.... cannnot tell !! After finishh we all went to JURONG POINT to eat mac . Ohh is quite nice larr. AfTer eating . we all take mrt back to cckk !! Stephh and JoJo theyy all went lot one meet theirr frenn and i went backk home . Cos i dun noe theirr freenn !!
After exam me stpehh jo-ann we went to take bus 178 to bukit batok as jo-ann say wann to change 985 to JURONG hq !! Guees what we see in the bus ! We saw an old man with a china girl doing something behid . OHH man ,. they touching each other somemore they are nt young. Quite old !! Then we keep lauging in the bus ! sO .... hhahahs Then when we reachh bukit batok we borad down and sit bus 985 . Guess what ? the bus dun go Boon Lay de we in the wrong bus liao. So we Board down the bus and change bus to 985 nor . Then we went to take bus 178 to Boon lay then we go ask for direction ! Hhahaahs . Then the uncle say take 181 if i m not wrong . In the bus i really headach and tiredd . so Long trip !! siian !! Then when we reach i give a call to The SIR . he never pick up so we went to the Police man there to get pass in . We exchange pour card with thie pass. And Finally THE sir pick up the call and he say he will meet us at the LOBBY !! oh man we waited for him about 35 Min ! Darm long super tireeddd .. Then around 12.46 they come liao . Then.... cannnot tell !! After finishh we all went to JURONG POINT to eat mac . Ohh is quite nice larr. AfTer eating . we all take mrt back to cckk !! Stephh and JoJo theyy all went lot one meet theirr frenn and i went backk home . Cos i dun noe theirr freenn !!
Haiis i just dun noe what i want ? Now in my life i have not one to turn to ! Except GOD ! sometime also ii cant say out as is personal to me . But i trust in god that why will tell him ! haiss just that i wish i get back the old jo-ann . She happily with her friends and i just dun want to destroy them . Maybe they without me will be happy ! No one will noe how i feel de > I Just want to be alone as i dun want people think bad about me ! Time have change liao ! I jUst waNnA tO BE a goOd Girl !! mOrE fREEdommm !! :) Just that i have a lot of thing happened to me ! Why must it happened ?? I cant take it !! I neva share with other people . haiis . Thanks for those people who have encourage me !! Thankss ")
Today in school darm boring lor. Tmr got maths exam must remember a lot of thing .And today in school i keep doing maths thing and i ask Sue-ann to teach me nor !! if not i die die liao!! Hahass ! Tmr after exam Me - stephanie and jo-ann going jurong HQ cos got something that i cant tell here worr.. DUN worryy we neva do anything wrong larr !! Then today after school <>
Today early morning . i Called edward wake up . ohh man u noe what . i called him wake up then he do hao his thing liao he went back to sleepp. stupidd !! Then when i in the bus already he sms me that he just wake up. oHh man ! do u noe i am angry ? he sleep the same time as me worr. haiis. lUckily ii put alarm clock if nt i gotton late for school ! tHEN when i reach school bus-stop! i went up to school with marilyn nor . We talking until no breath ! so long the road ohh man !! TIRED ToO !! Then when i reach school, i went to buy breakfast and eat nor . i alone sitting u noe becos of his late . haiis . i neva seat with jo-ann they all liao. I m not close to them liao as what like last time !! hahhahas ") After eating i went to parade square then i saw papa and DM talking so i join the talk toO ! hahas sob funny . and DM say a lot of thing larr !! Long storyy !! Then today darm quite boring . my art right . teacher nag again . oh man !! i hate it . Just that somebody hab done finsh so what ! PLS dun act\ thanks . Jeremy from my class go cut his hand haiis silly guy right !! ......
After school. i went to art room and wanted to do my art , then i ask jo-ann they all where is teacher ? then they say they neva see until teacher . so i dun wan wait . then i go canteen there with ah long hey all !! Then AH SOON got Oral that yy we all wait for him . so while we wait for him . we all went to play basketball lor. hahha. i play with them !1 I lose to edward . play cheat de . hahahs .no larr .. ")
After that we all went home !! WHAT A TIRED day for me !!
After school. i went to art room and wanted to do my art , then i ask jo-ann they all where is teacher ? then they say they neva see until teacher . so i dun wan wait . then i go canteen there with ah long hey all !! Then AH SOON got Oral that yy we all wait for him . so while we wait for him . we all went to play basketball lor. hahha. i play with them !1 I lose to edward . play cheat de . hahahs .no larr .. ")
After that we all went home !! WHAT A TIRED day for me !!
Today early morning wake up . So tired . Dun noe what happened too ! Then after i do everything i went to take bus nor. In the bus i saw Jo-anN , sUE-ANn , JEREMY !! hahhas. They super tired too cos thy sleepp in the bus . Then ii LONELY . hahhas. kidding larr !1 Then when i reach liao , Edward haven reachh . Then i was sitting there waiting for edward ,. Suddenely a girl from assumption english tell me that izzit the car belong to MR RAJ (DM) then i say yes . BY the time i want to go off . He Horm the car nor . Then i jus no choice but to go Up the slope . But i sms edward that i wait for him at the slope nor >> Then after that i meet until him we walk slowly to school. And we took our BREAKFAST TOO !! nice nice ! Then after that lessoon nor r . !!
Something happened
tOday maths lEsoon . Malay guy ( Khail .. Ariff) keep disturing XU DE . then he darm hot liao. then somemore Haswani shout and ask him SHUT UP ! then he more hot . Then like that they quarrel . Then after that while i try to stop them . I injure My self . haiis red red liao . Lol. Then stephh and ii go report MR TEO cos he today morning talk to us that if anything happened must tell him wor.r Haiis then ARIFF never amdit nor . lame . then after that i think is not totally xu de fault cos if they never disture him will this happened !! Haiis. From today onward , he is not allow to come in OUR maths leesoon anymore !!
tHEN after school . i went home with edward they all . I went to BUKIT BATOK first . I went to meet people liao then i went popular nor. OHH MAN !! ii try to look for my thing then i cat find then i ask the guy there and he say he dun noe . hAiss . then i just walk out of the shop .Then afterward me and edward walk in westmall looking for MOTHER DAY present nor. I want to buy . Not today but think Friday cos i m free !! After shoopping , we went to buy ROJAK !! Then i went edward house eat norr . Watch funny videoo . Super fuunnyy !1 At night then i go back home . .Then was having headachh !!\Pain !! THEN i go do my PRAYER LIST !!\ For W 378 !! I went bathhhh .. EAT !! >
Today early morning wake up . I called edward then i called him wake up then he say okayy . then when i do everything okay liao i call him and he just wake up .. OHH MAN !!\ LAZY pig . somemore till e saem time with me worr. hahahs. Then i go school first lor. Then edward go himself . lols. Then when i reach school i buy bread and eat liao then go parade square !! Then after that i never bring book so edward give me his book norr . hahhas. so happy !1 thanks ") Then after silent reading , MR TEO our prinpical wannt to talk to our class . think is becos of the maths lesson thing bah > TRhen when he talk he say we are not allow to take RACES in class if not he will kick out of the school to those who say . Then i quickly tell MR TEO that in maths leeson got pple make hell up of noise. GOOD that khail amdit . Ariff tOo !! Haiis/. alan kana send back home !! cos of his colour hair !! after that went back to class . then during maths period ii slp. i super tired .. hahhahs. Then finally can go home . school finsishh !!! Hurry !! THEN after school. i went to take bus with edward they all. then half-way peralyn called me and ask if ii wann to meet her . then i say okayy norr .MEET her at ten milies . Then afterward we went to bukit panjang take taxi to bankit . then i go there redraw moneyy mahh . after then take taxi back to Bukit panjang to popular to buy book .. finally i got the book . After that i we went to buy water at mac then they went to take different bus from mine . then i take 190 and go HOME SWEET HOME
Today early morning wake up so church nor . Haha . I went to ckk there buy breakfast ! I no monay liao siian . Then after that i go and take mrt to Bukit Batok . Then when i going to reach Bukit Batok is was about 8.04 like that . then SK sms me that he will reach around 8.30 OHH MAN !! siian ! Then when i reach bukit batok . i sms edward faster come down pai me wait for sk . then while waiting i saw Jocelyn . then i ask her wanna join u s norr. cos i think only me edward and sk gf !! tHEN when edward reach liao. he help us take care thing us me and jocelyn went to buy sweets . hahhahas. Later on we saw sk gf then we all went up to mac find sk norr. Then after that sk reach liao. then we all Board up the car nor. WAO ! so tireddd !! Then around 9 plus we reach expo. YEAHH cool ! Get readyy for service . as yest i miss out one ! haiis "( Then when i reachh expo. we all seat down . Then suddenly gladys talk to me . BUT CANNOT SAY WHAT THING LAR !! haiis. i cry and i noe is my wrong i cant blame anothers . SO sabb !! tHEN AFTER that in service .. i keep crying . Cos i feel darm sad and wrong !! I hope after gladys talk to me i will change !! AFter service . all of them go eat except edward , keng yip norr. lolls. Then after that i pai edward go expo control statiion there mmet someone then i go burger king there find my cg memeber !!HAHAS . i eat . cos quite hungryy after eating i went for bs with jo -- ERIC DE !! HAHAHS. fuuny and this lesson is intersting !! HAIIS . i must change my action and wordddss. MM. after thattt .. long storryy mucccc kkk . nite nite
Today darm siian whole day at home cos my daddy dun let me go out of exchange of something nor . But then is okayy cos at home can study and PLay comeputer . Todayy i at home eat a lot cos nothing to do so. ") Cannot even go out !! Ohh man and just now xu de pai me chat on the phone . Darm feaking funny . we say about those coward !! We are guaii kia not like them. More people eat Less people. Someone wantt find trouble darmm lame !! Lao gong paii seii yest bad mood . ") Nothing to say liao cos neva do muchh too !!
I hate to be at home . so noisyy . just wann to have peace . Hate them . I just hope that i can have a peaceful life that ii can be who ii am !

Today after school. me , edward, jun wen ,wen long, wee soon, xu de, leonard ,we siong we all go back together . I alone take bus home.Then i go home bath liaoo then i go meet xu de at SOUTH view LRT !! so after meeting him , me and xu de went to lot one wait for wen long they all nor. OHH MAN !1 they darm long lorr. slow like a pig . Waitied them for about 15 min . U all not paii seii ar let a girl wait for u all lorrr. Darm boring . after that we all went to Lot one KFC buy thing go yeww tee there eat nor. hahahas. We all went to play pool !! So darm fun !! Enjoyy my self as seldom go out with my stead ann my bros . haahhahas. Around 8.30 pm we went to take bus 307 to lot one . Then i saw TENG FOO WU !! then i just say that e bro noe who william mahh . then when they borad now the bus , one of e fucking guy say wee long . ohh maN! Then at first we do nothing wrong then they must find trouble . LAME RIGHT ?? then afterward we dun care them and we went to arcade to play game norr. after that i need to go home mahh . then theyy aall go my hous edownstair ..Then they say got one girl come . then a group of COWARD come talk to my freenn and bf . Lot of thing larr. Those people who did wrong , those who start to create trouble are coward!! I TELL YOU DUN THINK YRS PEOPLE MANY II CARE LARR. USE YR BRAIN THINK LARR. NOW WHAT YRS ALREADYY TIILLL GANG !! OHH MINE !! LAME .I DUN CARE WHO ARE UU ALL LARR. JUST DUN ACT TOO MUCHH . you all think yr frenn treat u all as bro one day police come they will all say u are e one who start firstt .. neva mindd since is over is over . now still got pple want to find me troublee !! LAME SHIT !!
Today after quarrel with edward . Long story that i dun want to mention anymore . And we back together . No w days i really dun trust anyone in my life except god. I dun even trust myself . I dun noe what hab happened . Just that Too much thing happened t me that i cant take it . My Family problem !! Relationship !! Friendship !! . WHAT HAB HAPPENED !! "( Just wanna do something to please myselff. Just wann someone to share my problem with me . Understand me . Haiisss. I will never find this person except god . ") I LOVE U JESUS .
tOday sob sian ! Got exam ! Mother tongue and CPA ! today exam i dont know how to do . wonder if i can pass mah ! sob stress. today me and edward quarre;l norr . haiis long storyy larr.!!
Moii lao gong take de. this is mine !!.jpg)
Me jo stephh !!
lET ME start . This morning i wake up then i perpare everything liao. Then is raining . then My two shoes was wet . so i wear my aunt shoes . Guess what ? Is spoli liao. OHH MAN ! then i need to go home and change . So i wear slipper to school and i bring my shoes to school to dry nor. Then i meeting moii lao gong at bue-stop. Sob tired norr. Then when we reach school. We study norr . STILL NEED TO PAY $1 . THEN I PAY NOR .
After school. i go with jo-ann they all mahh . We went to eat fuit liao. i eat mango. NICE LEII. Then i haven eat finish jo-ann they all went inside the hall to watch the NIGHT IN THE MUSUEM !! i watch before liao. then jo-ann was looking for me hahahas. BLUR BLUR GIRLL !!then jo-ann they all at hall sleep then i at hall watching norr.haiiss.
Around 5 plus , UPPER SEC GIRLS . RUN !!! OHH MAN ! i keep running cos i keep telling myself i must win something . the road darm long lorr. Will die ar me ! GUESS WHAT !! i get top 14 hahahs. so happyy . IN my class girls i get 4th . i win . so happyy . jo-ann get 3th . so happy for her too !!
AFTER geeting prize . me went back with lao gong , jun wen , wen long . leonard . that all i think . then i go meet JIE XIANG. he with his friends terryy .. Then i take lrt with wen long , jun wen and wei siong . tHne i ask wen long pai me wait for jie xiang nor. Then think around 7 plus jie xiang reach liao. then i say bye bye to wen long . then i go with jie xiang and de friend norr. They went to eat . hhahahas. Thanks for terry helping me .. After eating . we all went to arcade norr. then a lot larr. aiyoo BIG BULLY JIE XIANG .. yr friend also dun wan help u . Today i quite enjoy myselff. thanks ")

lET ME start . This morning i wake up then i perpare everything liao. Then is raining . then My two shoes was wet . so i wear my aunt shoes . Guess what ? Is spoli liao. OHH MAN ! then i need to go home and change . So i wear slipper to school and i bring my shoes to school to dry nor. Then i meeting moii lao gong at bue-stop. Sob tired norr. Then when we reach school. We study norr . STILL NEED TO PAY $1 . THEN I PAY NOR .
After school. i go with jo-ann they all mahh . We went to eat fuit liao. i eat mango. NICE LEII. Then i haven eat finish jo-ann they all went inside the hall to watch the NIGHT IN THE MUSUEM !! i watch before liao. then jo-ann was looking for me hahahas. BLUR BLUR GIRLL !!then jo-ann they all at hall sleep then i at hall watching norr.haiiss.
Around 5 plus , UPPER SEC GIRLS . RUN !!! OHH MAN ! i keep running cos i keep telling myself i must win something . the road darm long lorr. Will die ar me ! GUESS WHAT !! i get top 14 hahahs. so happyy . IN my class girls i get 4th . i win . so happyy . jo-ann get 3th . so happy for her too !!
AFTER geeting prize . me went back with lao gong , jun wen , wen long . leonard . that all i think . then i go meet JIE XIANG. he with his friends terryy .. Then i take lrt with wen long , jun wen and wei siong . tHne i ask wen long pai me wait for jie xiang nor. Then think around 7 plus jie xiang reach liao. then i say bye bye to wen long . then i go with jie xiang and de friend norr. They went to eat . hhahahas. Thanks for terry helping me .. After eating . we all went to arcade norr. then a lot larr. aiyoo BIG BULLY JIE XIANG .. yr friend also dun wan help u . Today i quite enjoy myselff. thanks ")
this week scheldue !!
- 03 May 2007
- Meeting ger at lot one 3pm .
- Go home rest
- Basic mother tongue 0800-0830
- computer application 0930-1045
- 04 May 2007
i will update when i get to arrange everything
today i super sick . veri tired too ! having running nose till now also haven recover ! Edward de BROS also sick . hahahas. think becos of the Criss-country and e wealther is bad too !! HOpe that i can recover fast as i got exam tmr .
- Computer application 66/100
- Chinese 70/100
today early morning i wake up very early then i think i sms dai ning. because she going church with me mahh . hahhas. Not a while later , jie xiang sms me . so i reply back nor. Around 10 plus i went to bath then i get everything ready liao. then i called my daddy and tell him i going to churchh . then he scold me lor. Super angry with him then i hang off the phone . Whatever lor. Then i sms dai ning to go home as i cant pai her . After a while my daddy called me and say can go liao. And he ask me go lot one there take money from him . $10 . After ii go meet dai ning . then i go find my daddy nor. hahhahas.
After taking money . Dai ning and i went to CCk wAit for jo-ann train to come so that we are in the same train . In the train sob boring . Talking about school thing lorr. OHH MAN !1 attitude suckk mahh UUU !! Around 12.06 we all reeacch expo then our cg memeber haven reach yet , so siian , we are hungry too leii. So we brought our lunch . hahahs. super expensive and not nice to eat . After that we slowly eat liao. then go take coupon and we play nor..Ohh man !! wE Go play game .. ohh man ! i dun noe what that called!! David , jo-ann , yan ling, me , jie xiang, zAck . ...... Darm game so scaryy . then e stupid jie xiang scare me . i super scare . andd ......... (cannot tell ) . hahahs. so funny too . And after playing i wannted to vomit but still okay norr. then jo-ann they all want to play the second round so i say okay norr. second round ii want to vomit . Then i sms jie xiang and tell u=him norr. hahahahs. COS he my good KOR KOR !! Brother in chirst ! tHEN we went to line up mah . and we saw our CGL PARENT then we went to line up with them .. Got this group of BLACK PEOPLE say us . OHH MAN !! So fat still want to say us . what the hell. SO SHORT !! whatever , then we went inside the hall. i seat so far away from jie xiang ..
When the family day StART. Everyone in church was so high . and ITS TIME for lucky Draw !! GUESS WHAT ! dai ning get the 5th prize . sob good. hahas.
When sun ho come out, evryone cheer so loud. WAO she is a great women of god .yeahh !! .. SAhe voice is sweet !! After everything . i need to bring dai ning back home . so dai ning, joseph,jo-ann , me and jie xiang we all take mrt back home norr. hahahas. inside the train. darm funnyy .. i keep disturing jie xiang . keep saying about ELECTRICITY AND ELECTRICAL! jIE XIANG u want them pai u tonight . okay lar . kidding only larr ./ dun take it so seirousss .. nite nite ..
After taking money . Dai ning and i went to CCk wAit for jo-ann train to come so that we are in the same train . In the train sob boring . Talking about school thing lorr. OHH MAN !1 attitude suckk mahh UUU !! Around 12.06 we all reeacch expo then our cg memeber haven reach yet , so siian , we are hungry too leii. So we brought our lunch . hahahs. super expensive and not nice to eat . After that we slowly eat liao. then go take coupon and we play nor..Ohh man !! wE Go play game .. ohh man ! i dun noe what that called!! David , jo-ann , yan ling, me , jie xiang, zAck . ...... Darm game so scaryy . then e stupid jie xiang scare me . i super scare . andd ......... (cannot tell ) . hahahs. so funny too . And after playing i wannted to vomit but still okay norr. then jo-ann they all want to play the second round so i say okay norr. second round ii want to vomit . Then i sms jie xiang and tell u=him norr. hahahahs. COS he my good KOR KOR !! Brother in chirst ! tHEN we went to line up mah . and we saw our CGL PARENT then we went to line up with them .. Got this group of BLACK PEOPLE say us . OHH MAN !! So fat still want to say us . what the hell. SO SHORT !! whatever , then we went inside the hall. i seat so far away from jie xiang ..
When the family day StART. Everyone in church was so high . and ITS TIME for lucky Draw !! GUESS WHAT ! dai ning get the 5th prize . sob good. hahas.
When sun ho come out, evryone cheer so loud. WAO she is a great women of god .yeahh !! .. SAhe voice is sweet !! After everything . i need to bring dai ning back home . so dai ning, joseph,jo-ann , me and jie xiang we all take mrt back home norr. hahahas. inside the train. darm funnyy .. i keep disturing jie xiang . keep saying about ELECTRICITY AND ELECTRICAL! jIE XIANG u want them pai u tonight . okay lar . kidding only larr ./ dun take it so seirousss .. nite nite ..