todate neb go school

By Unknown - September 25, 2006

todate i never go tuu school because ii wake up late.i wake up aaround 6.35pm lorr. by e time ii reach school ii will be late , so i decided not tuu go school lorr. hhahas. then stilll need tuu rush a art work . need pass up by tml lorr.hmm.. around 8pm. i wake up and go brush moii teeth. then moii lao gong cook food ferr miee and eat lorr. hahahass..moii friend stephanie sms miee And ask wHy ii NEb cm tuU SChool lorr. hahas.

but tml ii really need tuu go school liao lorr. hahas. later at nite then i tell euu more lorr. hahahas, >_<

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