ATC camp

By Unknown - September 20, 2006

yahh. let miee tell euu abount my ATC camp..
15-09-06 to 17-09-06
At pulu ubin ( dun noe hw tuu spell)
ii in group 8
name called chicken little..

my school npcc sec 3 got eight ppple go onlie lorr.
2 gals.. 6 boiis.
gal onlie miee and qui yii . hahahass

let miee tell euu what ii did in the camp bahh...
the first day i went to e camp i was very happy and also berii sad because thinking about my stead edward.. then when ii reach there.. i saw a lot of my primary school friends.hahahas. miss them a lot lorr. e first days we did not do a lot of thing.
at nite, quite late then we sleep mahh. i sleep quite well. also wanna tuu thanks qui yi fer taking care of miee lorr. hahahass.. she iis my mother hahahss..

e second day
we early iin the morning must wake up leii.. so tired. dun hab enough sleep. then sonemore must do PT.early exercise. quite kiees. but berii tired worr.. after that we go take our breakfast.then afterward, we went for hike,lorr. around 3 plus we reach campsite.. darm tired.. then we drink a lot of water lorr. e water berii diffcult tuu drink.. it taste like swimming pool water choice but tuu drink.then we rest a while then our next activity iis ATF( rope actitvity)..first a few pple go and try e tunnel first lorr.. ii with moii friend ( xue li )also. when we went ine tunnel hahahs..whenwe went in e tunnel she was so scare. and i will trying tuu let herr not tuu scare.. so ii talk tuu her lorr. hahahs..the instructor there make a lot of noise hahahas.. they wan tuu scare us mahh,, finally we are out of e tunnel lorr. they we go play e rope activity,, then ii was thinking of wan tuu go up anot?? then i tel myself ii must try. lorr. ii was darm scare. at last i go up and try.but my friend neb go upn and try.ii managed tuu go until e level three lorr.ii was darm tired . then we had a 20 min rest . then our next activity iis kayaking.. gal must partner with boii mahh. so i partner with guang yao. i think i spell wrong his name.. he studying iin greenrige sec. he bully miee worr.. i was e onlie one who iis kayaking. i was so tired lor.i love kayaking. ii wan tuu learn and had star lorr.. after kayaking we went back tuu campsite and bath,, eat lorr. at nite got campfire lorr. somemore ii am a song learder lorr. hahahs.. after tat,, we kana scolding lor.r hahahs darm tired.. ii wan tuu slp liao.. haiizz

e last day of my ATC camp
early iin e morning,,i was berii happy becoxx can go church liao, but then e sad thing iis that hoirr,, last min e teacher frm YISS teacher dun let miee go church. somemore say bad thing abt moii church.. she make miee until berii sad and ii cry lorr.. her word realy hurt miee a lot lorr. haiixxx..

i should end here liao okiiee..

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