By Unknown - January 16, 2011

First soccer training =D
i went to meet up with fianna at woodland mrt station and then we went to
take bus to the primary school for our training !
today training was not bad , learn quite a few skills . but today only got 3 of us , as the
rest of the girl is not feeling well that why !
for me , i sick but i still went to soccer training because i am looking forward to the training .
and few months down the road , there will be an soccer tournament soon !
i am excited about it and scare also , as i not really a strong player yet ! but i am willingly
to learn . and maybe next month then i will buy the soccer booths !
after training , i went home straight and have my lunch before going to work , i was unwell
today but then my boss didn't let me to take off . then i have no choice to forces myself
to work . and while i am in the bus on the way to work , i keep sneezing non-stop =(
when i reach the workplace , my boss still ask me if i am alright ? and she say that my face look
bad . LOL . of cos la , i am sick le ! LOL.
then i tahan till 6 plus , and suddenly my fever went up and my head is burning non-stop &
i went to sms my boss and she didn't reply me nor pick up my call .
so i waited and at last i call the boss husband . and he came down to take over me !
when he came down , he say that my face look damn sick and he say that try to work tomorrow
as they dont have much worker left and they need me to work !
then he counted the money before i can leave and he say that the way i counted , he
don't understand! me and my bosses cannot communicate well , because they don't understand English , while they Chinese is too difficult for me to understand too !
after that i walk to take train , then go to 24 hours to register my name , and the nurse say that
i need to wait 1 - 2 hours before my number is up ! and i went back home and rest . resting
on my bed , making me want to sleep but then when my alarm rings , i got to left my house
to see doctor ! and the doctor say that i got some kind of virus and he want me to
have plenty of rest , drink more water ! =DDD
after that , i collect my medi and left quickly to go home and rest ! i went home to eat medi &
immediately went to sleep and tomorrow i am not able to help out at South view pri !
i went to meet up with fianna at woodland mrt station and then we went to
take bus to the primary school for our training !
today training was not bad , learn quite a few skills . but today only got 3 of us , as the
rest of the girl is not feeling well that why !
for me , i sick but i still went to soccer training because i am looking forward to the training .
and few months down the road , there will be an soccer tournament soon !
i am excited about it and scare also , as i not really a strong player yet ! but i am willingly
to learn . and maybe next month then i will buy the soccer booths !
after training , i went home straight and have my lunch before going to work , i was unwell
today but then my boss didn't let me to take off . then i have no choice to forces myself
to work . and while i am in the bus on the way to work , i keep sneezing non-stop =(
when i reach the workplace , my boss still ask me if i am alright ? and she say that my face look
bad . LOL . of cos la , i am sick le ! LOL.
then i tahan till 6 plus , and suddenly my fever went up and my head is burning non-stop &
i went to sms my boss and she didn't reply me nor pick up my call .
so i waited and at last i call the boss husband . and he came down to take over me !
when he came down , he say that my face look damn sick and he say that try to work tomorrow
as they dont have much worker left and they need me to work !
then he counted the money before i can leave and he say that the way i counted , he
don't understand! me and my bosses cannot communicate well , because they don't understand English , while they Chinese is too difficult for me to understand too !
after that i walk to take train , then go to 24 hours to register my name , and the nurse say that
i need to wait 1 - 2 hours before my number is up ! and i went back home and rest . resting
on my bed , making me want to sleep but then when my alarm rings , i got to left my house
to see doctor ! and the doctor say that i got some kind of virus and he want me to
have plenty of rest , drink more water ! =DDD
after that , i collect my medi and left quickly to go home and rest ! i went home to eat medi &
immediately went to sleep and tomorrow i am not able to help out at South view pri !