By Unknown - January 27, 2011

Have my PIC CA LAST PAPER today !
the paper i think is still not bad , just hope that i can do well for this paper
as this paper i study through seriously ! HAHA .
went work after school , and my boss gave me wear this cute
half cardigan ribbon grey in colour , and i like =x ! it kinda of match my attire today .
and my boss bought me this cup of soya milk ! so sweet of her !
* hope Esther don't get so jealous alright ? i buy for you next time !
And then after she left , i am all alone in the shop . A lot of people came but then did not buy stuff
is because the clothing is expensive ! =( and today is just long and tiring day man for me .
my this current job need to keep standing as i am selling clothes sure got people
come and touch & see !
i finally bought my FACESHOP the nail remover ! i going to repaint my nails next week =D
my regular customer came to my shop today ! i got compliment !
* HAPPY ! - i not showing off , i just want to share ! =)
she came to tell me that my service is better then the current sales girl .
in a way of talking and also i am a good model of the clothing . as i wore my shop clothing while working .that why =) feel so great to hear from my customer =) .
today i encounter something . a customer came with an black face but then she leave with
an happy face ! for me , i just want all customer to leave my shop with an
happy face ! =D
after work , i went to lot one to meet jowell for my BB cover !
and then while waiting for her at bus-stop actually i am SMART to actually get
myself bubble tea for me to stop looking at my time ! haha , and very fast i met her and collect
my cover ! i will upload the photo soon !