By Unknown - January 08, 2011
Those past years photo !

such a long and tiring day i will have today ! didnt manage to sleep
yestersday night because i dont have an proper blanket to keep me warm and then
i use my jacket instead to cover me . & i slept at around 1 am plus due to i drank coffee .
then wake up around 4am plus , feeling super cold and i decided to switch off the air-con and just sleep like this . and i manage to fall asleep and not a while later around 7 plus , my daddy & brother
wake up and they talk very loud , switch on tv very loud and i cant sleep back . i drag myself out
of my bed to wash up and head outside to watch channel 8 children show . but my favourite show is
doaeromon ~
later on , i drank coffee to keep me awake then around 12 , i went to take a afternoon nap before
preparing myself off to church . then i went to meet xue fang straight at church . saw yu zhen in bus and have a great chat with her .
today pastor mark came to our service to preach ~ what i can say about him is .
the way he preach is intersting & funny ! and his meeting can really blown you away . those people who have not yet go to service today . go tomorrow service 3 or service 4 .
i can tell you that you will have no regret ! he talk about transformation !
question to ask yourself !
- which stage of dimension transformation are you at right now ???
church ? servanthood ? ministry ?
after service , we actually went off to BEST and fellowship . we having great time talking
about O level result , Ite course , and the most exciting part was we all talking about
what we all did during our primary school & secondary school time .
we cheat during chinese spelling , fight in class by throwing table and chair ?
those was the time where we really dont think about consquences !
but now we are 20 years old , we will think about it . that why old le , we dont really try to be funny !