By Unknown - June 19, 2010

its was a super tiring day for me man , as yesterday night i didnt not have a nice
GOOD REST ! and i having my morning FLU =(
then got to meet @ 6.15 pm at lobby . guess what ? people come at 6.30 pm
lols . then later on , we took car and go to my race side !
the whole day was racing . and when my time to go down .
guess what ? mr lim was seating behid me man ! super stress i tell you .
he keep correcting my stroke =( he is differnet from hao yuan .
but then i just do whatever he ask me to do .
but then we came up THIRD ! and we going to row again tml .
hope this time mixed team can win something back to SINGAPORE !
10 crew races . we lost =( GUESS EVERYONE was really tired . the guys
row for more then 5 time each day man . but its okay. i will row harder for
tml races man ! after races , we went to change then head down to eat SEAFOOD !
wooohoooo ! was a great time with my teammates !
- ATE a lot of food man .
then later on , at night went back to hotel to have a GOOD REST for tml
races . then have a chat with andy . then later on went to 7 elevn with a few of them
for tml morning breakfast ! YUMMY !