By Unknown - August 29, 2009

Today i having OFA exam .
this is the subject i am super POOR in.
guess what??
i read through the paper and i know how to do .
but when i start doing it , i still kay after a while i start
to scare and feeling like crying . cos i really stuck at this part ! and
teacher saw me stuck at that question .
and they did told the class , if we dont know how to do then we just
type in number will do =((
[ i am really sad ]
after exam , i went to find willi they all and they say is diffcullt
and ANOTHER class also say that . hais .then later on , me willi and vincent
went to IMM and have our lunch . as later we need to go back to school
to prepare teacher day event on monday . and i am the MC of the
event sabana also . but she didnt turn up -_-!!
then we did pratice and decoration and many more .
and i did really enjoy myself and have fun with my classmate
and is good to work with other classes too ! and guess what ?
we going to dance MJ dance . the MV super dude scary man !
we stay till around 10 plus then we leave the school with ETP people
father marks also ! lols. he big bully larh . ahahhaha
sheryl and i went to phoebe housedownstair and find jin hao they all.
and then we chit chat and make them laugh .cos
they all seem bored =)
around 12 plus to 1am then we all went home =ppp
Home sweet home =)