By Unknown - August 02, 2009

Happy birthday to you !
happy birthday to you !
happy birthday to mummy !
happy birthday to you !!
Mummy i love you . hope u like the card i do
and we three write for you !
morning , woke up online and then ask sheryl help
me print some pictures. and then i do my mummy birthday
card den jio head down to Braddel and be celebrating mummy birthday
. and we went to eat pizza hut . and after that , i gave mummy the card and
can see that she is happy and we also took a picture !!
- I miss those days when i have a full family =(
i want to have a mother by my side !!!
after that , thanks to mummy friend and he drive me to home
and i go home and change then jio head down to lot one
7 eleven to meet sheryl . and we wait for the rest !
who the rest ?
-yu qin , phoebe , jin hao and kaiyan ! and mr late king HALA ! halim !
hahahahahahaaha , he be going dere late so we go first .
we went to intercharge and we waited for the bus for
20 mins ! Grrr so long . plus i hate waiting for so long . Grrr
and then i laugh until i cannot take it . sheryl super funny and also
jin hao . guess what? they wanna send me to IMH !
lols. i love my friends !
later on , we reach and saw sharon and her cousin
and other of her friends and we say Hello and intro
to some of the people only lor. hahahah =)
went to sharon grandmother house ! was real big house . and
i am super super dude thirsty ! and i keep drinking water until
i saw the food i also dun wan to eat !
then i just ate fruits only =)
took picture and jin hao gave sharon a big birthday present
Dancing and singing " nobody " hahahah !
and we have the video . we shall post it asap . cos the video not with
me ! and then my daddy dun let me go out =(
later on around 10 plus , we went off and
then guess what ? we waited for the bus around 15 mins !
hate waiting for bus . and plus i self high at bus-stop and laugh
till non -stop . anyway i have fun man !
thanks sharon for inviting me to your party !