By Unknown - August 22, 2009

i dun feel like waking up to go for nayang cc thingy
going people house to promote "Light Bulk"
to save their Bill .
me & sheryl was a team . we be going to two blk
and there is total 10 house we are going to
speak to them. guess what ?
we saw alot of thing. we should really treasure whatever we
have , i did see some house inside the room . is where the place
they eat , cook and sleep ! =(
after everything , realise this is something i like to do .
i dont mind going to do it again -_-
hahahha , after that we guys went to eat at KFC !
and we took pictures !
later on, the school bus send us back .and we collected
our bag and we all went home . but i alone taking bus to church
coffeeshop dere to meet gladys and xuefang .
Bryan is coming today =)
service was great today . after that adeline , brayan and i went to
jurong point to eat our dinner .and we ate