By Unknown - June 24, 2009

painful !

kenneth & me

kenneth & me

MOrning , i went to Student cousillor interview .
last year i was , but i am not higher nitec
so ii need to go interview again !
Good Luck tiffany !
Shabanan is not coming . she going oversea .
zhihong didnt join , cos he want to have only one
Cca . then morning , i woke up early to iron
my uniform and den i didnt check properly the timing and
i leave my house early so i went to mac to have
my breakfast ! drag the time until 0830am den
i went to take bus to school !
interview time !
cannot say what they ask or what i have answer .
anyways , is good . i will rate it 7.5/10
if i can get in , is good !
if not nvm bah !
hahaha . ryan and his classmate came down too for
interview .
after that , i went to take train to harbour
font . meeting two kenneth to sentosa !
and guess what ? kenneth ( cheerleading ) he reach first den
me . den we went to eat mac at harbour
fonrt cantre while wating for cg kenneth .
guess what ? we waited him for 2 hours !!!
( this is my first time waiting for guys for so long )
gggrrr !!! plus today raining ,
didnt suntan just drawing and playing water
and we took a lot of pictures =)
after that , we went to change and then heading
back home . i went home alone =)
kennth (cheerleading ) went for pratice and kenneth cg
went to vivo city to shop .
reach home ! bath , eat n watch tv .
evening time my daddy is back n i was ask to go
buy durian . i dont mind cos i am not that
tired . my sister follow me to teck whyes to buy .
Guess what ?
the uncle thought my sister is my " children"
crazy huh ? am i too old ? like a mother !
lol. and i bought 4 durian is from malaysia .
and on the way back home , the durian hit until my leg
and is super painful that bleeding non -stop
until i stop the bledding =p
( the picture not clear deh )
afteroll , the durian is nice =)
i think i must exercise tmr leh . i eat too much
durian !