By Unknown - June 23, 2009

New friends : Jun xiong & wei jie .
hope you enjoy everything that we plan today =)
woke up at 3am in the morning , and i went back to sleep
again . does not feel very well ,. haha .
woke up 8 plus den i went to watch news ! and
get to know a lot of things . cos this few days not at home watch news
lol. and i called yamyam to wake up . scare to wake up late ,
or oversleep .
meeting yamyam at cck and we went to harbour font together .
and weijie reach on time . cool huh .
and guess what ? he change alot . taller , and more mature !
and we went to buy chicken rice den we went to take tram
to sentosa ! =)
then we went to suntan ! and also play volleyball .
and guess what > edison and jun xiong came to join us too .
and really enjoy today man !
and den adeline came to join us too , and guess what ?
a frisbee hit on my head . lol
around 5 plus , i went to bath then jio heading to
harbour font centre to eat . ( mac )
thanks for jo paying for me first .
tmr i be going to sentosa again with 2 kenneth !
Location: St. Regis Hotel Ballroom
Price: $50 from 11am to 6pm (Rent go to Charity) Date: 12th July, Sun Time: 11a.m to 6p.m
contact me !!