By Unknown - June 21, 2009

Dragonboat training today n
its is also the last training because next week
we be having our June race which is 800m .
thanks jeffery for driving me to training ,
sorry dint talk much in car because i wasnt feeling good .
and also was thinking of alot of things .
Land training , ( running )
Sea training , long distance and today training was super due
tired man . and really thanks those girl who keep encourging
each other and i really love the spirt we have .
( keep shouting =)
lol, training today was good man , and next week we will be going
for race and we have our own girls team .
Girls jiayou !
after training , i went to eat with dragonboat friends and
chit chat alot of things and guess what ?
pei chun my team mates he living at yew tee .
till today den i knew it man . hahaha
stupid right ?
i be getting my life jacket next week =))))
thanks peichun sending me home ., have a nice chat with his
wife too , and den do nothing much at home .
looking forward to sentosa !