By Unknown - April 01, 2008
picture look like he darm closed to me right.
but i was sitting at higher stair and he was at the lower stair.
today i went back to seconday school with kang wei los. he call me and he wanted to meet me. tell you all something about my xiaolaopo phoebe. she bought breakfast for me, and she came to my house and pass it to me. wao ! good right she ? den thanks alot. meeting you soon tmr.
Reach school .
den still see no people and me,kang wei we went up to hall and see see los. saw principal talking los. den we wait for them . los. so long sia. shld start at 2.30 de. den at last start at 3.15pm. haiis.we train them in rifle drill los.when they march in is okay only the rifle need to be improve.i know tat they can do it, only if themself wan a not? den at last going to end. theywa like dun wan to listen . me jun hao they all was like talking to them nicely and den they say " WHAT LAO" den i super piss off larhh darm rude man ! i ask them down. do push up.At last,ms tan mr tan they all came. and i tell them what happenedd los. den ms tan scold them and she make them run with the rifle. if they are going to listen to us, i wouldnt ask them pump.haiis. hope they learn their lesson.after tat, me jun hao and kang wei was walking down the slope to take bus home. and we having a lot of fun . talking about ROLLING ! hahhs.lame shiok.we took a lot of pictures. in bus,i was like asking them if they wan come out anot> den they okay.hhahahs,. go home eat and bath leh jio meet them .jun hao keep saying about me arh.bad you arh =) took picturess also. Missing you buddy =)
boy,i hope you know what i mean