By Unknown - August 17, 2007
ME and Him !! .jpg)
Schhool uniform at Jie house take de <3>
Tired again
and it is School again <3>
Getting back English exam <3
Morning . so tiredd . thks edward called me wake up wor.
if not him i shld be still slepping at home .
When ii reach schhool . haven rain yet . i dunwan go parade square .
so boring . i rather at Class cos can rest lor and sleep (hahahs)
Maths lessoon siian <33(sleep)>
English lesson .
waiting for teacher to give up the paper <3.
(scare fail cos i on that day also sick ) = dunnoe why exam alway ii sick ??
Guess how is my result?
i get 34 1/4 /60
then while go through the paper .
got one que teacher mark me wrong . so i got 1/4 mark
so total i have .. 34 2/4 /60 hahahhs ..
then next tue getting back my paper 1 .
hope that i can score well .
want show my daddy my exam paper cos . if i fail i cant go church .
without GOD . there is no ME ! thks God !
AFTER school . edward , Chin xu de and me go to bukit panjang plaza .
thks EDWARD lIM for buying me Shshi ( dunoe how to spell) cost around $4 plus .. expensive sia . then after Xu de go home . me and edward go jie house lor. watchin Tv . online . and eat ( hahahhas0 ). pig sia.
Tired again
and it is School again <3>
Getting back English exam <3
Morning . so tiredd . thks edward called me wake up wor.
if not him i shld be still slepping at home .
When ii reach schhool . haven rain yet . i dunwan go parade square .
so boring . i rather at Class cos can rest lor and sleep (hahahs)
Maths lessoon siian <33(sleep)>
English lesson .
waiting for teacher to give up the paper <3.
(scare fail cos i on that day also sick ) = dunnoe why exam alway ii sick ??
Guess how is my result?
i get 34 1/4 /60
then while go through the paper .
got one que teacher mark me wrong . so i got 1/4 mark
so total i have .. 34 2/4 /60 hahahhs ..
then next tue getting back my paper 1 .
hope that i can score well .
want show my daddy my exam paper cos . if i fail i cant go church .
without GOD . there is no ME ! thks God !
AFTER school . edward , Chin xu de and me go to bukit panjang plaza .
thks EDWARD lIM for buying me Shshi ( dunoe how to spell) cost around $4 plus .. expensive sia . then after Xu de go home . me and edward go jie house lor. watchin Tv . online . and eat ( hahahhas0 ). pig sia.