all darm nice . i want more . anyone can bring me go eat again ? i will love uu more ")) hahahs ~ total amount iis $50 plus. but we only paid $5 plus . cos we using vochh . then we eat until we wnt to stay there forever . darm full loqqAfter eating we went to take bus 190 to lot one there . meet edward then we take bus to NIght safari . hahhas !! thks . god father giving me free ticket if nt i buy super expensive loq.then we watch the show . SUPER NICE . laugh until like hell . animals are cute . i LOVE THEM . then after show we went to walk loq. aiYoO I horr no eye . a bit more ii fall hahahs .saw a lot of thinggss . then we went to take the train too . hhahhahas ~~taken a lot of picture . thks angeline ann edward paii me . i loveyou guys .really enjoy myself today...