Sunday ! yeahh . going church .
JO-Ann . Bring Fren .
called yong siang. lol. sec 1 .
Early morning wake up . then i sms Angeline lor. she pig sia . dunwan reply my sms . until i called her up when i m in MRT ! oh man ! Can tell me earlier . then i today wear until so errr xin . wei guang late for service .... then ii sms him '" pls dun be late . if 1 time or 2 time neva mind , but he is every weekk " then also i tell him i am angry !! Must change larhh .
Today message super powerful sia .
Laugh ,, Laugh ,, Laugh !
Funny .
and i learn a lot of thing .
during service , yong siang sitting beside Jo-ann .
i heard Voice talking so Loud . i tink he nth to do disture Jo-ann .
Am i right to say that ?
hahhahas ~~
First = i tell yong siang QUIET ! then a while later distur jo-ann again <3
second time = i write letter to Jo-ann , shhhhhh ... i form hear also can heard . if nt i called the sercurity .
After that ii dun care liao hahahhs .
After service ...Keng Yip . jo-ann . angeline . yong siang . wei guang and i went to Burger Kind and eat lor. hahahs . i buy water only .then jo-ann share with me her burger ! thks . we talk talk lor. Yong siang tell me lOts of things // disture Keng Yip ToO. too bad hahahhas !! But i got say SORRY LEE KENG yIP . hahhahas ...
after eating . we went Bible study ! No book . thks eric print for us . then today Bs super long . 2 HRS ! and Eric friend also got come . then angeline say he veri handsome . I like his boady only . hahhas ~ he those shy shy type. after Bs . me and angeline go take SK car go home . then when i reach home i saw my father at home . hahas ~ thks that i reach home early . ")) then at home doing nothing . Online all this . do quiet time .
10 PLus i went to sleep then 1am wake up . cos my stomach was in pain . and i dun noe why ?? then i off the air-con . then i pray . then sleep hhahas <3333>