By Unknown - June 20, 2013
I always wanted to buy an hair spray or hair gel to style my hair whatever i head out ,so that i will
look a bit more presentable other than my dressing or make up !But the day of buying will never come because there is way too much brands out there and i do not know which one is better ?
And guess what ? Liese send me two bottle of their new launch hair spray in the market and
i get to bring it with me to Genting to review it ! I am Totally looking forward in trying out this products Liese Super Hard and Liese Free Arrange !

I brought the hair spray to Genting so that it will be easily for me to take picture LOL !
As hotel have all ready hair dryer & dressing table with nothing on it and a comfortable
chair for me to sit down and stare at the mirror looking at myself !
For me before i spray or apply anything onto my hair , i will usually go bath and wash my
hair first ! For this time round , i will just seat down and start drying my hair !
After drying my hair , my hair are usually appear to be more to straight hair ! Last time i used to love straight hair but now i am more into curve ! So this time round i used Liese Super Hard Hair Spray on my hair end to do an curve in! I am totally in love with this kind of hair style now !
This is my end picture of my hair styling using Liese Super Hard Hair Spray !
I would rate this hair spray 8/10 ! I love this product because the hair really stay with the styling
i have styled , the smell of the spray is not smelly at all, easy to style but there are one area that
i don't like about the product is that after styling you can't comb your hair because its already
hard ! And if you want to restyle , i will not recommend you this Liese Super Hard Hair
Spray ! You are more suitable for the another one !
Those who do not want your hair to feel super hard and want to always able to restyle you should
choose Liese Free Arrange Hair Spray ! You can just use one hair spray and change hair style
up to 10000000000 style LOL , If you can ! Is possible !
This is the final look of my style using Liese Free Arrange Hair Spray !
If you did observe from this hair style and the previous one , there is an different . The previous one
is curve in , but this time round is curving everywhere , left and right ! Even though
it looks a bit messy , i will not mind , because anytime and anywhere i can
just restyle back !
I would give this Liese Free Arrange Hair Spray an 9/10 !
If you would like to purchase it and style it yourself head down to watsons today ! :)