
Featuring the first post to kickstart my Health and Fitness series by Guest writer June Alison Yen, Personal Trainer and Coach

By Unknown - June 17, 2013

 Hello Everyone ! 
Where do I begin ? I was first asked by Ting Ting ( Her Chinese Name) who is also
 known as Tiffany to write an entry to kick start her Fitness Health 
Series of articles. Hence, i was tasked to come up with something within the genre of 
what i actually do. 

Before i go on perhaps, let me do an introduction of myself. 

My Name's Alison , and i am currently a Personal Trainer / Coach at Genesis Gym. I've 
been in this industry for 4 years and i love what i do. I enjoy weights training as much as 
girls enjoy shopping ( Unfortunately, i do not enjoy shopping at all ) and i'm also an avid Dragonboater. 

Tiffany and i both row for the same team - KIYAH SPLASHH ! And we've been 
great buddies since. 

Besides my love for lifting (meaning, weights training) and dragonboating, i do also 
Kayak recreationally. Another sport that i ventured into which is still pretty new in 
Singapore amongst females is Bodybuilding - the Model Physique Category.

One of my competition photo taken by Lai Wee Kiat of Fabodylous.com

Throughout my growing year's , i've never been a person into sports. in fact, believe it 
or not, i have succeeded in failing my NAPFA test every single year since primary 4.
It was only till i entered Junior College and under the tyranny of my P.E teacher,
i finally managed a silver award. Phew ! 

Rowing teammates , Great Buddies !

I was fortunate to be featured on The Straits Times, Hot Bod Series in Y2011.

This goes to who that it's never too late to start on anything. Our past does not dictate
where we go in our future. As a personal trainer / coach, i work with clients of all ages, shapes and sizes. it is most encouraging to see people who are in their 
senior years, giving themselves a chance to make a change for a better, healthier life.

Never underestimate the power of exercise and good nutrition in improving the 
quality of your life. each of us are meant to be lean, strong and healthy individuals.
we just need the right guidance and knowledge to train right and eat right, and with that together with an awesome attitude, dedication and determination, the myriads of benefits 
will follow through. 

I will touch more on training, nutrition, sleep and supplementation in the future posts. I
strongly urge each of you to make one small change to improve your health today ! 

 If you are truly ignorant and don't have a damn clue where to start, here's something you can start with : eat vegetables with every meal, and move around more ! 



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