By Unknown - July 09, 2012
EMERGE Preliminaries for Spiritual : PREACHING !
This is the first EMERGE competition I attend and I am so excited till I make sure
I charge my Blackberry phone and My Camera to Full Bar as I do not it to happened
whereby half way through the session , My camera low battery : ( or when I want to tweet
or Facebook about the event , I can't do so. As a Blogger , All these gadgets are very important ;x
The preliminaries will be located at Suntec City Convention Hall 303 and when I get
there , I saw a lot of secondary school students sitting around preparing themselves for the preaching later.
Everyone is Q-ing happily to register themselves for the preaching later.
All of them rushing down from School and some of them are rushing down from their workplace !
Despite of their packed schedule , they still sign up for the preaching challenges and make time to be part of EMERGE !
I managed to be standing in between of the students and I overhead them talking about being very
nervous to be preaching infront of people but guess what ? Just nice got this guy just walk towards them and told them to have faith in themselves that they can do well and I think its also a good encouragement to them.
(That's what CHURCH are for , we are one BIG family)
(Even though church is so big and is kind of impossible to know everyone, but when we see someone who is in need in our midst or outside the four walls of church, we will just help out in the way that we can, NOT doing it for our own glory but for God's Glory ) AMEN !
This will be my first time going to hear Non-experience preacher preaching on the stage to
so many people. I am exciting to hear what are they going to preach and how are they going to bring the message clearly to the audiences ?
People start coming in to fill up the seats . One side is for the participants and another side is
actually for the supporter !
guess where I am seated ? I am sitting at the supporter side ;)
First to be starting will be the Secondary Group.
When I get inside the room, I manage to talk to a few of the secondary participants and they did prepare themselves by having printed script out and seeing them so hard-working , it make me think back when I am in their age, I don't think I will be bold enough to actually join Preaching competition !! ; D
This photo was taken while this participants was preparing her sermon.
I like this photo a lot , no reason but somehow unique !
Here is the requirement :
Wondering who is the judges ?
From the picture , I think you should know who are they. BUT if you do not know, don't worry, Just scroll down and you will see three names.
The JUDGES ( Back TO front )
Wayne Choong
Lim Meng Chin is the one who is holding MIC ! ( By now you should know who is who right ? )
Lee Yi Lun is the only lady Judge !

Slowly one by one participants start going up on the stage to preach and the judges is really putting in their 100% focus and they will make sure all the little things that the participants share, it will be written down.
The secondary participants : ( I took some of them only)
The secondary participants : ( I took some of them only)
The supporter of the participants was sitting at the other side and it is really encouraging for me to see their friends or cell-group members come down just to show their support even though is just a while.
After a few of the participants done with their preaching, I manage to invite some of them to have a short
sharing with us like how they feel when they were on the stage ? How do they prepare for this ? and so on.
Megan & I
From : YK ZONE & W268
You should hearing her testimonal sharing on the video after you read this post. I was WOW by her sharing !
I believe you will be BLOWN away too.
I Interview two more people. Did not really talk much but you should check out her Video !
Natelie , Joel and Me : )
From YK zone & W555 !
And did you see something common between the participants that I have took photo with ? They are
from YK Zone ! WOW !
All the future preacher is all at YK Zone !
After some of the secondary participants preach finish , I approach them and interview them as
they share how they feel when they are preaching & how they prepare the sermons !
This Video been recorded while Secondary / Tertiary participants is preaching. Sorry, I cut some of them as
I want to make the video shorts and sweet , If not it will be too long. But I will be uploading the full preaching video onto Facebook soon : ) Do stay TUNE !
More picture of the tertiary
This tertiary participants really awesome man ! Using photos / art pieces to actually
preach and I think this is a very IDEA to attract everyone attention. She caught my attention and
I took photo of her when she is preaching.
Tertiary participants still waiting patiently for their turn : D
This VIDEO I did record only for secondary , and not tertiary its because I am rushing back home : (
Maybe during the FINALS I will interview more people and do something more CRAZY !
For the main time , Just enjoy watching this Video al-right ? ; )
EMERGE Preliminaries for Spiritual : COM'SENSE !
EMERGE Preliminaries for Spiritual : COM'SENSE !
All of the participants will be taking "paper" to test their knowledge of the BIBLE : )
The "Exam" paper which is really COOL !
If you look closer to the picture, you can actually see it is written , Section A Multiple Choice Question
SPOTTED my friend while I am walking around to take photo.
Thanks for reading my EMERGE POST !
Check out EMERGE website : emerge.sg
Follow EMERGE on twitter : @CHCemerge