[OMY.SG] Offical Launch Of Dominos Pizza Singapore I phone APP
By Unknown - June 09, 2012
On 7 June I went to the Offical Launch of Dominos Pizza Singapore I phone APP !
I went to their food tasting before , If you want to know what so special about their
pizza you can actually check out this post of the Domino's food tasting !
So Here I am alone attending this events as my other blogger friends are not free to attend : (
This is the board spotted when I reach the place where I am suppose to be at : )
Janet was at the registration counter waiting for all the blogger to arrive and
she say I look so different , I think its because of spec !
I just falling deeply in love with spec , Can I don't put make up and just wear some
cute spec will do ?
This is the entrance of the room itself we blogger going to gather together !
The entrance is so nice filled with balloons !
Today we blogger were invited to attend this events to actually share with all our readers
about Dominos Pizza Apps ! You guys must be wondering why not just make phone delivery instead as its faster and much convenience.
Continue to read down and slowly you will find out the answer !
All the bloggers have already seated down . everyone is excited of what Dominos have in-stored
for us .
After waiting for about 15 mins , the lady actually came up and told all the blogger to actually
go and grab a pizza as the food have arrived ! : )
Everyone is attentive listening because its about FOOD ?!
So many pizza , I bet those who are viewing this photo must be really hungry right ?
when are you able to eat all kinds of pizza at one time ? Unless only in events but your daily life no , but can be a yes too because you can order different pizza everyday ! WAHAHAHAH !
Chicken wings , Onion Rings !
After taking photo , all the blogger started to go ahead getting
pizza , chicken wings , onion rings. But I am still sitting down taking photo because
I want to wait till other bloggers take the photo and seat down then I will go and take !
I am not worry about no food because DOMINO'S is really generous and always
provide more than what its expected , they will not just cater to a some of people only , like example
they know that 30 bloggers is coming , they will not prepare 30 but 40-45 ! : )
Here is my plate of Pizza , chicken wings and onion rings ! after I am done with
my meal , william friend wanted to help me throw away the plate and I just pass him
and say thanks ! But guess what , unexpected word out of william mouth . HAHA . I don't remember the actual word he use , but he say something like this : she still can eat . !
No offences but I find it unusual to hear from him .
After we are done with all the YUMMY FOOD ! Now we are going to have a ride at
Singapore Flyer ! WOW !
I didn't know we are going to have a ride until they told us ! Like a excited only even
though I took quite a few times !
Everyone is walking slowly into the entrance of Singapore flyer !
This is my first time seeing Singapore flyer have it , its a good thing !
Security come first than anything . I feel so safe.
Going in deeper ~
All blogger were busy taking photo and chit-chatting with each other : )
Singapore Flyer !
Up the escalator !
and we went to another area whereby they have a lot of display .
I love this photo !
Its so colourful and its like a kids world feel !
Myself holding I pad with the APPS !

My new blogger friend !
Check out his blog : http://www.uncletehpeng.blogspot.sg/
First time with other blogger !
Yes we are moving up soon ! ~
And I guess everyone like the moment because we are able to camwhore inside the cabin !
can you see everyone is busy taking photo including me ?
My new found friend !
Mag the girl who is wearing black spec
check out her website at : www.modgam.wordpress.com
and other lady without spec is actually Yah Teng !
Check out her website @ http://www.tebisha.com
and you must be guessing who is another person behind us right ?
The guy behind us just now its actually
UncletehPeng who is call Damien , but I just like to call him UncleTehPeng ! : )
Check out his blog : http://www.uncletehpeng.blogspot.sg/
Trying to act cute in this photo ;D
This pretty lady standing beside me is actually
Shine Koh .
You can check out her blog at http://www.shinekoh.com/
This guy beside me is actually Aidan.
check out his blog at http://bieberalways24-7.blogspot.com
This girl beside me is Hui Jin !
Check out her blog at http:// cookiehuijin.wordpres s.com !
I am so tired after taking so many photo's and finally I am able to seat at a side to take a break !
This is another blogger that I know Yan Teng .
Check out her blog link at http:// tebisha.blogspot.com
and something awesome about her is that she stay near my house and finally there is
someone who is able to go home with me and I will not be alone ! :]
After the ride , we went back to the room again to carry on our stuff !
we went back to the place and then they say they have some surprise for us and
the surprise is actually the mascot guy !
And all of us like a don't care and just went ahead to take photo with him .
Alone with the mascot !
Anyone want to bring this home ?
After they end the session , I thought we are actually went to other restaurant to have our "MEAL COURSE" which Dominos Pizza have prepared for us. Its like they are so Generous !
And guess who I met in this event ?
The pretty girl beside me is Jia Yi
You can actually check out her blog at
I think you people will know who is she !
We took group photo outside .
And I was all the way at the back and guess what ? I think of the running man whereby there is
a game we got to actually jump and make sure we get our face to be inside the photo !
After the photo taking , I actually took those balloon and stand aside to take photo ! : )
I think is MAG who took this photo for me !
This is the restaurant that we blogger is going to have our dinner : )
I like the design of the shop itself and I want to hold my 21th birthday over there
or maybe FULL HOUSE ! Any idea ?
After we enter into the room inside we went to find our own place , and
I am totally in love with the design and stuff : )
Or maybe its just the editing.
Buffet time ;D
All times favourite coke !
Happy waitress enjoying serving us ! : )
This is my meal of the day !
I eat till so healthy but then I didnt manage to finish it as I don't really
like the sourcing itself .
This lady beside me its JANET !
Wanted to take photo with her , but she do not want , but after so many time
asking of her , FINALLY she agree to take picture with me .
This pretty girl beside me I knew her before this event . She is a MC in a flea market
and she bought stuff from me before & she is really nice !~
Another self-shot about myself : )
And mag was like saying about " Tiffany , I thought you say that you don't self-shot , and
why you still talking self-shot ! HAHA !
Depends on what's my mood ba.
I think you will agreed with me that this restaurant is nice !
You should actually check it out .
Last but not the least !
She is Miranda.
Check out her blog now http://misformiranda.blogspot.sg !
And she is a more to Youtube ,Check out her video at
And before you exist my post , please view this video that I have done ,
teaching you how to download the apps !
Why you should just use the apps instead of calling or ordering on-line ?
And not just only that , as there are four more side order .
You guys should actually download now and enjoy the great deals !
I downloaded already and during Father's day , I am going to order and enjoy it with my family !
: )
and there is a lot of great deal you can check out on the site . they have $5 lunch meal !
Hurry up go and order NOW !