This year for father day I am going to do something different and not just bring
him out just for dinner but doing something which church challenge us to do.
- Hug our daddy !
I ordered Domino's Pizza for father's day and this is my first time ordering and
I shall share my experience in it , for my next post.
after eating the pizza , my sibling and us actually went inside
the room to prepare the video that last night I have prepare for father's day .
This is the first time I am doing it for father's day ! ( creative ! )
Random photo !
this is the photo that I treasure a lot as my daddy came down to support me when I
PASSING OUT PARADE OF CI ! : ) I am really happy and I believe my daddy is proud of me even
though he didnt tell me that . : )
I don't think I want to share the Video here as its kinda of personal to me . But
I took picture of my daddy happily watching the video I have done : )
My skills not really good but then I hope the message been bring to my daddy . <3

After watching the Video itself , I went to bring out my Poloraid camera & the
photo pens for me to write message onto the poloraid photo !
Totally we took 7 photo and its was really enjoyable especially the photo
when I took with my daddy . If you notice something , I did took double photo with my
daddy as I want him to keep one and I also keep one myself as my lovely daddy is my precious ! : )
After writing & taking photo , I actually pass the photo to my daddy and guess ?!
To be honest , it's been so long since I hug my daddy. That point of hugging is really awesome man .
I guess my daddy is also damn shock as our family we don't really show love by physical or words.
as we don't hug or tell each other "I love you" .
I hope my daddy enjoy himself and looking forward to his birthday whereby I am going
to kiss him ! ( I wondering if he reading my blog now ? )
welcome new photo up to my Poloaiod wall :D