I will be rowing only for only 500m , so today I will be coming down to support
my other team mates who is rowing for 200m.
This is the first time that DBS actually set up an Dragon-Boat event and the event
will be at Marine Bay Sands area and every team there will be a tent !
I think this is actually the first time there is a board that the organiser actually have
it on the tent and guess what ? I think we are able to actually bring it home !
Here is everyone trying to clear our place and rearrange it neatly .
Here is our bags and our paddle : )
all the life jacket have the tag on , as everyone is really to fight hard in the water later !

Warm up time : )
everyone look so serious .
Land rowing to prepare ourself !
Row hard !
paddles up , GO NOW !
I want to take photo of her then she pose this because she is actually doing
half squat !
wondering why is there so many people in this booth ?
This booth is actually belong to HAO YUAN !
He is the owner of seatec !
He is selling paddles , life jacket , tights top and bottom , Seatec Top , Paddle necklace ,
Paddle Key chains and many more ! I think he will be selling again during PA paddle ship
at Bedok Reservoir ! Come down and support him . You will like the accessories he is selling !
Check out the accessories
if you are interested in buying any of these you can actually contact hao yuan directly.
This is his website http://www.seatecpaddle.com/index.htm
the website got this contact no & his website !
I heard from my team-mates that he is not allowed to actually enter into this place to take
photo and he is wondering why I can actually enter to this place
where by all the photographer is taking of the race ! then I reply him these :
because I am a girl : )
I will be sharing some of the photo of the photo i took when my team-mates
head down and ready to row like a G6 !

They are not couple la , you all don't anyhow think. they are just friends : )
Cute little friends !
Congratulation to my team-mates that we have successfully enter into SEMI FINAL !
While waiting for their semi round , we actually went to have our lunch
first ! we head to Lau Pa Sat to have our lunch : )
I did not have any lunch as my stomach is still full from my morning breakfast MAC : )
So I just order ice-kacang because its cooling but I can tell you that its not nice and
I rather eat this at my house area which is nicer and the price is the same . two dollar .
After lunch we went back , Hydiayah and I actually went to walk around the carnival .
This is a stall where by they have full of sweets and chocolate !
entertainment ! : )
why they no invite deck 5 to come and perform ?
I want to be like a kids also , so I went ahead to play games :)
out of three holes , I only able to throw in one hole only and those game master also
don't want to give me prize because the prize run out le lol !
Thinking of which design I want for my sexy tattoo : )
actually I choose Dragon-Fly : )
In my time where got such stuff , I think my time only have those paste on tattoo and
we got to apply water one .
\Self-shot again : D
Showing off my sexy tattoo
Showing off my sexy tattoo
Photo of my team
ladies team but this is not all yet
we still have a few more which not here today , but they will
be joining us in the training .
If there is any girls who want to join our team , come find us in
Facebook Kiyah-Splash !
: )
My hair look like a mop in this photo 1
and Alison was like laughing so happily in the photo and Fangs face was like hmm ok !
Amanda & I !
Me and Leon !
I know her from my Kayaking Team . Full time joker ;x
Above all so much of photo how can I miss taking one of my self-shot photo !!!
I hope you enjoy reading and I will post soon the DAY 2 SOON !