Today is the day I am going to actually rowing for 500M.
As for 200M I did not row as I just come down to enjoy myself and show support
to my other team-mates !
I spot this hair style at Marine Bay Sand shopping mall and
I really like the hair style and also the colour !
I told my team-mates CK that I want to actually change into this hair style but the
thing I don't like is actually styling my hair . Can anyone actually teach me how to style my hair ?
Or any hair stylist to recommend to me ? Because I am also thinking
of re-bonding my hair .
What do you think ?
While waiting for our princess Kun Shan , we wait outside the toilet and I ask the guys to
actually pose for me to take photo !
I think they will be happy that their photo is on my blog , as they know there will be
a lot of pretty girls reading my blog ! : )
If you want to know them , you should come join my team !
Finally the princess Kun Shan done with her "spa" in the toilet !
I am not sure why is she so happy ? Have something happened inside the toilet ?
After a long waiting , finally we are able to warm up and get my body high up !
And lets row like a G6 !
Land Rowing ; )
Can you spot where I am standing ?
Find me in this picture and check out my face !
I think the weather is too hot till I am showing this kind of expression .
We all are ready to go down and lets take photo first before going down !
500M boat jiayou !
Jon heng & Ck !
All going down and we are all ready to row to the starting point !
To be honest with you , in competition mood , I will be serious and
I don't talk unless necessary and all my focus point is actually the ending point !
This is the encouragement which I always tell myself during the race ,
after I cross over the ending point , I make sure I have no regret . In the race I give all I have !
And the good news is that in first round we got into SEMI-FINAL !
2nd Place : )
You can see from our face that we are really happy : )
Especially Amanda / Alex / Alison !
All the A is so happy and its shown clearly on their face but our Coach Hao Yuan
still got the same face !

While waiting for Semi-Final , web-came with Fangs because
we are really bored till we got nothing to do ! I am surprise that this time round
I did not take a lot of picture ! I hope the upcoming PA race will have more picture ~!
Before we pack and leave , we took a lot of group photo : )
And I want to thanks to those people who actually make this event an successful one, making
sure nothing goes wrong.