
Sick but still staying strong to survive for the day

By Unknown - April 10, 2012

I am down with Flu & Cough ! 
I been drinking lots of plain water but don't know why still having bad cough and 
my voice have changed and I really hate to fall sick , So 
note to myself now , I got to take 2 pills of Vitamin C everyday . Once I am lazy to take 
or forget to take my flu will start coming ~ 

Nerveless, I sick I still got to head down to my mummy place ! 
Going to pay my brother a visit as today he is not working.
I bought MAC for everyone including me ;x  

I bought a meal for my mum but then she will be working till late 
so the set meal was finish by my brother and two of us seem to be enjoying eating 
the shaker fries together . No matter how sick I am , enjoying time with my family 
members just make my day ;) 

Around evening time , I leave my mum place and off to Someset to meet xue fang for shopping.
Like a finally because I have to change date due to some urgent stuff and this 
time round I am sick and xue fang wanted to change to other day but I told her 
I can take it , I don't want to change another day because school starting soon and I would like
to spend more time at home.
Went shopping around CINE ! 
And I bought the nail remover which I really need it as I always want to change my nail colour . 
I saw this nice bumpers and I bought this for pearlyn ;) 

I really have no idea what to eat @ town so I ask Xue Fang to make 
the decision what to eat . Then she choose PASTAMANIA ;) 


This is an extra set which include drinks , bread and soup of the day and it 
only about $3.60 if I am not wrong . 

I look so -_- inside the photo . 
I am sick la .

Finally after shopping at Far east plaza to get what Xue Fang wants . I can start shopping 
for my own shoes as the current red shoes I am wearing is spoiled ;( 
I think I need to have lot of lot of spare shoes in case any of my shoes spoiled !.

I am in love with my eye brow ;) 

Here is the picture of items which I bought from today shopping ! 
All I bought was only Necklance ;)

All Necklance I bought was less than $10 each ;) 

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